For peace of mind for the boating community, Coast Guard offers an annual Marine Assist service.
Operating in much the same way as automobile clubs do for motor vehicles, our Marine Assist service provides boaters with 24 hours per day marine rescue assistance by Coast Guard for all emergency and breakdown situations.
With our database containing all your contact details and vessel details we are able to respond quickly to calls for assistance from our Marine Assist service subscribers who in turn could save thousands of dollars in towing costs should they require assistance.
Our Marine Assist service is only available in Queensland, South Australia and Northern Territory.
To find out more about our Marine Assist service please contact the flotilla nearest you.
Renew Existing Marine Assist Subscription
Marine Assist is managed using our TripWatch system – when your subscription is nearing expiration, you will receive an automated notification to renew online.
You can also log in anytime using your email address and password to manage your subscription, including updating your details directly on TripWatch.

Get a Marine Assist Memebership
Get 24 hour 7 days a week marine assistance when you're out on the water.
If you would prefer one of our volunteers to contact you to help with your Marine Assist application, or if the Flotilla you wish to join is not listed in our online store, then please click the following link to complete the Marine Assist inquiry form and the selected Flotilla will contact you to help with your application. CLICK HERE
Join the Coast Guard
Join the Coast Guard team today. Enjoy making new friends, helpings others and getting on water.