Victorian Marine Licence Courses are conducted through out Victoria.

Coast Guard conduct licence and PWC training courses throughout Victoria for people 12 years and older. Suitable ID’s, course fee payments and giving of your time are what we require of you. You in return will get the best possible tuition from a group of highly trained and qualified volunteers.

All students that do not have a current drivers licence or learners permit to use as ID are required to bring their “Birth Certificate” or “Passport” as primary ID as well as their “Medicare Card” as a secondary ID.  Proof of residence is also required in the form of a bill or bank statement with the student’s name and address. Anyone that doesn’t have the correct ID’s with them at the time of the course will not be allowed to do the course.

Course fees are payable during the “registration” period and receipts can be issued either at the time of payment or at the conclusion of the course. (At the instructor’s discretion).

All courses have a registration period followed by a “Training Session” that will take around 3.5 hours to complete. The test can take more than ½ hour after the “Training Session”.

On successful completion of the tests, you will receive a “Marine Safety Certificate”. This is not a licence to drive a boat/PWC. You are required to take the certificate along with your  ID’s to a Vicroads office within 12 months and they will issue you with a licence knowing that you have done your test with Coast Guard.  Vicroads do require an annual fee.

Students Please Note: All students will be required to supply photographic proof of identity, proof of residential address is not required.

All course fees are due and payable in cash on the day of the course, no pre-payment will be accepted.

Students will be entitled to a full refund of course fees if required to leave the course before completion due to illness.

Refunds to students who choose to leave the course prior to completion due to a family illness will be at the course instructors discretion.

Assessment process for both boat license and PWC is by multi choice questionnaire and students are required to achieve 26/30 for a boat lic and 13/15 for a PWC lic. Student who do not achieve competency on the first attempt may resit the assessment the same day. Only two attempts at the assessment are permitted on any single day.

Other courses open to the general public

Prevention is the best cure and knowledge is the best way to prevent boating safety incidents. We encourage all mariners to constantly expand their knowledge.

The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard, a nationally accredited and Registered Training Organisation [RTO], offers the following courses and in some states, where applicable, a Marine Licence Course:

Bookings and inquiries for these courses can be made to the Victoria Squadron Office on (03) 9598 9092

RTO Compliance

The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard (ABN: 99 392 980 313) is a Nationally Registered Training Organisation, registration number: 1588.

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