Australian Volunteer Coast Guard History

Early Years

The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc is a voluntary civilian organisation of men and women formed to provide safety on our waterways, train boat users in all aspects of safe small boat handling and contribute effectively to the search and rescue operations. Coast Guard is a registered charity and a volunteer non-profit organisation. All members are dedicated professional volunteers who freely give up their spare time to provide this service.

A National Board which controls the principles and policies of the organisation and a series of Squadrons throughout the country governs the Association. Flotillas emanate from the Squadrons and these consist of members who work together in harmony for the promotion of safety and efficiency in operation, navigation and maintenance of small craft and education of the public as well as its members.

In December 1960, during a meeting of the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club in Victoria, "Small Boat Safety" was discussed. Among those present at the meeting were Olga Toolen (one of five people who started the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron and now Promotions Officer for North Queensland Squadron), W. Down, E. Madden and J. Madden (no relation to Ted.). Ted Madden was a professional journalist, author of several books and wrote for many newspapers. Ted Madden, Operations Officer of the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club and other members of the Motor Yacht Club were running a safety patrol (of sorts) for the benefit of their members but not for members of the public.

On 17th January 1961 an article concerning the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary appeared in the Saturday Evening Post and on 6th February 1961 Ted Madden sent a letter to the US. Coast Guard requesting further information. A reply with a great deal of information was received on 14th February 1961.from Captain Richard Baxter, USCG Chief Director of the Auxiliary. Information included Manuals, Bibliography, Leaflets and an eight-page lesson plan.

As no organization was active in the field of "Small Boat Safety", the group from the Yacht Squadron decided to take some action to enhance pleasure boating safety, especially in small boats, not only to instruct and educate boat owners in safe boating practices but to promote safety by example. With these objectives and the continuing concern for safe boating, the Australian Coast Guard was formed. The first order of the Australian Coast Guard was drafted on 14th September 1961 and a provisional Flotilla, VF1 Melbourne, was formed. The first Public Instruction Course (PIC) was held on 8th November 1961 at Ormond.

A National Board was formed on 18th December 1961 with W. Peterson being the first National Commodore, E. Madden National Vice Commodore and J. Madden National Rear Commodore and acting National Staff Commodore.

The Boat Master's Jack was introduced and the first "Boatmaster's Jack" received from the manufacturers was presented to USCO Captain Baxter by the Australian Ambassador in Washington.

In May 1962 the first Woman member, Sylvia Blogg was admitted. A Ladies Flotilla was formed at Huntingdale and in August 1962 saw the official formation of the eighth Victorian Flotilla at Geelong under the personal guidance of Jack Madden. Sir Rohan Delacombe was appointed Honorary National Commodore. The eight Flotillas were VF1 Ormond; VF2 Brighton; VF3 Frankston; VF4 Burwood; VF5 Footscray; VF6 Parsons Marine; VF8 Geelong; VF13 Huntingdale.

In April 1963 the name 'Australian Coast Guard' was changed to the Australian Coast Guard Auxiliary.

The Eagle Anchor device of the Auxilliary was designed by the Art Department of television Channel 2.

On 26th September 1963, W.N. Henry was given authority by the National Board to form a unit in South Australia and became the first Group Commodore in South Australia. His influence was evident at State and National level for the next three decades.

Mr. L. Swift, VF1 became National Training Commodore in 1964, the National Commodore in 1967, taking up the role of National Training Commodore again in 1977 and Deputy National Commodore in 1982. Commodore Swift was also the National Publications Officer who was responsible for the editing and printing of all the national publications.

Eight Flotillas had now been formed in Victoria and four Flotillas in South Australia. New South Wales, another of the founding Squadrons followed in early 1967 under the direction of Acting Commodore Ernest Tree. Queensland followed in May 1967 under the direction of Commodore Reg Leigh Smith, who was to become the first State Commodore.

Members and Units of the AVCGA have received various awards for their services but tragically several members have paid the absolute sacrifice. Commodore E. Madden was made a National Life Member in 1967.

The Association continues to guard the Coast in the most efficient way initially by the three "E's", Education, Examination Example and finally by Search and Rescue and is epitomized in the Association's Motto, "SAFETY BY ALL MEANS".

1960 - 1969

The following information, in chronological order, has been taken from the National Board Minutes, Squadron Commodores Reports and other documents and notes available.
Coast Guard in Victoria
Following the meeting at the Beaumaris Yacht Club and an article appearing in the local newspaper concerning the United States Coast Guard, the group from the Yacht Club decided to take some action and form a similar organisation in Victoria. This was the beginning of the Australian Coast Guard, (now known as the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Incorporated).
The first order of Australian Coast Guard was drafted and a provisional Flotilla VF1 Melbourne (Ormond) was established.
Flotilla VF3 Frankston was the first Flotilla in the Association to be Chartered. The Flotilla is located forty (40) kilometers south of Melbourne, Victoria. In 1965 VF1 combined with VF3 and both became VF1 Frankston.
Coast Guard in South Australia
What began as a friendly meeting on the Labor Day weekend in October 1961 while cruising the River Murray at Mannum, Frank Johns on his cruiser “Gideon” with his family and friends Ken and June Coffey were invited aboard a craft skippered by Ron Carr. It was here that discussion ensued concerning the formation of a volunteer coastguard in South Australia.
A preliminary meeting of the Australian Coast Guard SA District was held following an advertisement placed in the Adelaide Advertiser Newspaper by Ted Madden, seeking interested persons to form a similar organisation in South Australia. At this meeting it was agreed to find suitable premises to conduct a Basic Seamanship Course. The first course commenced on 5th May 1962 at the Shell Building, North Terrace, Adelaide with Ted Madden from Victoria as lecturer. This course was so successful a second course was held immediately and as a result, two Flotillas were formed, Doug Tait being Flotilla Leader for a short time then Max Able became Flotilla Leader of No 1 and Eric Rump Flotilla Leader of No 2. In early 1963 Port Broughton, Flotilla 3 with Ray Bartlett as Flotilla Leader was formed with a Fourth Flotilla formed in Adelaide with Ron Brill as Flotilla Leader.
As a result of advertising for a suitable Basic Seamanship lecturer, William Nelson Henry, professional Compass Adjuster was selected and paid £1 (two dollars) each evening while conducting the course. Bill Henry very soon joined the organisation. Within a short period of time conflict arose between various members of the executive and all South Australian Board positions became subject to National Board edict.

“Operation Albury”, the River Murray Trip, a cruise from Talangatta to Goolwa was undertaken by three twenty foot cruisers, ‘Akroonah’, ‘Crusdaer’ and FV59 belonging to members from Victorian Coast Guard Auxiliary, Commodore Ted Madden, and Rear Commodore Weston-Smith who set out from Albury in August 1963. The 1390-mile voyage along the Murray River was to commemorate the opening of the river to navigation by the Paddle Steamer Albury in 1855. Two cruisers from the South Australian Division commanded by Commodore Carr and Staff Captain Johns joined the Victorian boats at Bow Hill in September. The last stage of the journey across Lake Alexandrina proved the most difficult with strong winds, bad weather and drifting debris. The voyage ended on 12th September 1963 with a parade through the streets of Adelaide.
NOTE: A full report of this voyage is included in the “Historical Documents of Interest File”

The South Australian Unit was reconstructed under the leadership of District Captain Bill Henry with Frank Johns as Vice Captain, Sam Aukland, Training, Lance Newman, Staff Officer, John Cook, vessel Examiner, Ken Coffey, Stores.
On 11th November 1963 a Certificate of Incorporation was issued to ‘The Australian Coast Guard Auxiliary of South Australia’. The influence of Bill Henry, later to become the first S.A. Group Commodore was evident at State and National level for the next three decades. Frank Johns was selected to represent Coast Guard on the Government committee to investigate and make recommendations regarding the control and safety of power driven craft and the licensing of drivers, from which the Boating Act 1975, was formed.

SAF1 North Haven, SAF2, SAF3, SAF4 were in operation SAF3 Port Broughton ceased to be operational on 31stAugust 1972 but reformed in 1976.only to cease operation again on 31st December 1996 with members joining SAF1. SAF4 in Adelaide grew in numbers to allow for the creation of Flotilla SAF5 with Peter Baulderstone, (later Commodore) as Leader. Flotilla SAF6 Lonsdale was formed in the southern area of Adelaide and SAF7 made a brief appearance on Yorke Peninsula. Country Flotillas were established during 1990’s at SAF8 Port Augusta, SAF9 Ardrossan and SAF10 Port Vincent. The first Flotilla Charter of the SA Group was issued to Flotilla No1 on 29th May 1968. The South Australian Squadron received its Charter on 15th November 1976.
Construction of the North Haven headquarters costing $195,000 began in 1980 and was officially opened on 22nd February 1981by the then Premier of South Australia David Tonkin who was made Honorary Commodore.

In 1986 the need for improved radio coverage was recognized. Land was procured at Myponga on the south coast and a UHF repeater Coast Guard Station was set up. In March 2001 due mainly to the untiring efforts of Vice Captain, Radio Logistics Andrew Newman, thirty-two (32) radio bases providing radio assistance were established.

SAF2 and SAF5 amalgamated with SAF1 on 21st July 2003.

Flotillas in operation in South Australia in 2006 were SAF1 North Haven, SAF6 O’Sullivans Beach, SAF8 Port Augusta, SAF9 Ardrossan, SAF10 Port Vincent, SAF11 Kingscote, Kangaroo Island.

MARCH 1964
The South Australian Ladies Auxiliary Club was formed, the first President was Mrs. S. Aukland and Secretary was Mrs. S. Bevan. The purpose of the Club was to raise money for the benefit of the Association.
New South Wales Squadron
The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard was formed in New South Wales in 1967 and covers an area from Port Hacking South of Sydney to Port Stephens north of Sydney. Mr. Ernest Tree held the position of Acting Squadron Commodore from 1967 to late 1969 when the Squadron was placed in the hands of a caretaker administration. This was an unsettling time in the history of the New South Wales Section of the organisation and negotiations were made with the Volunteer Coastal Patrol early in 1970, to work in closer co-operation. A “Memorandum of Intention” was drawn up and agreed to by both parties, however, because of insolvable difficulties, the agreement was terminated mid 1970.
Mr. Fred Lee who had been acting as Squadron Commodore of the N.S.W. Flotillas in 1970 was officially appointed Squadron Commodore in July 1973 with the authority to continue recruitment to the New South Wales Squadron. The Squadron is comprised of 7 Flotillas, NF1 Port Jackson, NF2 Botany Bay, NF3 Ku-ring-gai, NF4 Port Hacking, NF8 Swansea, NF14 Port Stephens, NF20 Tuggerah Lakes and the Solander Division Later, a National Board meeting in August 1976 authorised the formation of an additional N.S.W. Squadron, the Illawarra Squadron, (now known as the Southern New South Wales Squadron.)

NF1 Port Jackson Flotilla.
NF1 was the first Flotilla formed in New South Wales in 1967 and is based at Birkenhead Point Shopping complex, on Quayside Birkenhead Point. The entrance to the Base is graced by “Little Nancy” a dinghy donated to the Flotilla by the late National Commodore R.W. ‘Doc’ Hardie. The Flotilla maintains two SAR vessels. CG11” Garry Kiely” an 8m Marlin with 2 x 120 mercury inboard turbo diesels and CG12 “Drummer” with 2 x 150hp Honda outboards.
Since March 1992, NF1 has manned a category 1 Base at South Head Vaucluse in the premises of the “Old Signal Station”, a building steeped in History. Radios are manned twenty-four hours a day, a tradition which had been carried on continuously since 20th January 1790 by Government employees. The Flotilla has guardianship of the Ocean Reference Station Monitor which is owned by Sydney Water. The ORS is the most Hi-Tech in the southern hemisphere with full colour monitor registering wind direction, wind speed, wave height, wave period, water temperature, current set and speed in graph form over a twenty-four hour period and consistently updates every five minutes. The full history of the Old Signal Station appears in the ‘attachments to history’ file.

QF1 Southport
In 1965 Mr. Reg Leigh-Smith saw the need for a sea rescue group on the Gold Coast, Queensland. The group was first known as the Northern Rivers and Gold Coast Air Sea Rescue, later the name changed to Southport/Tweed Heads. Contact was made with National Commodore Madden and other National Officers to have the workings of the Australian Coast Guard Auxilliary explained, as this group was agreeable to have Coast Guard take over as a complete Flotilla. It was not until 16th May 1967 that QF1 Southport was formed, Graham Bond (a Water Policeman on the Coast) became the first Flotilla Commander. QF1 received its Charter on 2nd September 1969. The Charter was signed by National Commodore L. Swift and State Commodore Reg Leigh-Smith. The headquarters building was completed 28th October 1978 and officially opened on 2nd September 1979.
NF2 Botany Bay
As the designation NF2 indicates, Botany Bay Flotilla was the second Flotilla to be formed in New South Wales in 1967. Because of insurmountable problems the Flotilla was disbanded until 1976 when the Flotilla was reformed with assistance from NF4 Port Hacking who divided their membership and resources to enable the provision of service to boat owners in the Bay and Georges River areas. The first meeting of the reformed Flotilla was held at the Civic Centre, Carringbah in December 1976 with fifteen members in attendance. Two original members in 1967, Keith Garth (aptly described as the cornerstone of NF2) and Bob Wallace (setting a high standard in training) are still active with the Flotilla today.
Brian Gee was the first Flotilla Commander in 1976; Max Allen was Vice Commander Bob Mitchell was Training Officer and Reg Gilmore Staff Officer. The Flotilla received its Charter on 3rd March 1978, signed by National Commodore4 Norm Miles and New South Wales Squadron Commodore Jim Mortimer.
The first vessel acquired was a 20 foot steel half cabin which required refitting before being used as a rescue vessel. Refitting by members proved impossible and the vessel was sold as a bare hull.

In June 1983 the Flotilla amalgamated with NF12 Georges River and membership rose to seventy-two among whom were men whose organizational skill and experience have been significant in the growth and consolidation which has taken, place since. Prominent names include Ron Andrews, Commander of NF12, Bruce Bell and Ron Budds. Credit must also go to Kevin Berriman.

The first successful Flotilla owned vessel was CG166, a fourteen foot Manta, powered by a 40hp Mariner outboard, the purchase price being $4,573.00. Four years later the vessel was sold and CG171 “Dianne” was donated. This vessel was christened on 5th April 1987. Free storage facilities had been provided at Lewis Anchorage, Woolooware Bay and Flotilla meetings were held at the Revesby Workers Club.
On 18th February 2005 NF2 handled the entry of the First Fleet Re-enactment into Botany Bay with thirty-three vessels and crews from other Coast Guard Flotillas from Swansea in the north to Southern New South Wales assisting.

NF3 Ku-Ring-Gai Flotilla was formed in 1968 and provides a boating safety net over the Broken Bay and Hawkesbury River area just north of Sydney, New South Wales. Their rescue vessel “MMI”, a 7.8m Cougar Cat powered by twin 150HP Yamaha outboards was commissioned in October 1992.
5TH JUNE 1969
Les Swift, Victoria, edited and presented the first edition of “Boatmaster”
5TH JULY 1969
Reference was made to having the Association registered in Canberra. Consideration was to be given to the motion to have State Registration as suggested by the Prime Ministers Office.
Ted Madden wanted to establish a National library of Text Books, Films and Training Aids and to create a Register of Licensed Instructors
Changes to the Constitution were to be made.
J.V. Arnott was compiling records of Coast Guard.
Promotion of an Auxiliary in Queensland and Northern New South Wales was successfully accomplished.
National Board Officers:

L. Swift became National Commodore
E. Madden was National Training Commodore
J. Arnott was National Staff Commodore
E. Tree was State Commodore for New South Wales
D. Harper was State Commodore for Victoria, J. Hoskins was Vice Commodore
5TH JULY 1969
A new Flotilla was formed at St. Kilda and a SAR Control Centre at Carrum was formed.
Approval was given to VF8 Geelong for the building of their Headquarters.

Commodore Henry was granted Life Membership of the Association and Substantive Rank of National Staff Commodore. Commodores Swift and Madden received Substantive Rank of National Commodore.

30TH JULY 1969
With the success of a Coast Guard Base at Southport, Queensland, it was conceived that there should be a Coast Guard right around Australia. Commodore Reg Leigh Smith and Bruce Harris who was the Training Leader at Southport flew to Cairns and Mossman and visited towns right down the Coast meeting with Port Authorities, Harbours and Marine and Police to explain their ideas and were warmly received. They addressed the Rotary Club at Maroochydore and outlined the practical workings of the Coast Guard.
Reg Leigh Smith became the first State Commodore for Queensland.
An approach to request Prince Phillip to be appointed National Honorary Commodore was to be made by Sir Rohan Delacomb.

1970 - 1979

17TH AUGUST 1970
QF9 Cairns
On 17th August 1970, a meeting chaired by President N. Pruden of the Cairns Motor Boat Club was held with Queensland State Commodore Reg Leigh Smith, Training Officer Bruce Harris and Twenty- six persons were in attendance. The meeting decided immediately to start a Flotilla. The area served was to be north to Trinity Bay and south to the Mulgrave River. Mr. Norm Miles was selected as Flotilla Leader of QF9 Cairns; Vice Flotilla Leader was B. Barker, Bob Jerram, Training Officer and Frank Carter, Staff Officer.
QF8 Townsville
The Townsville Flotilla was formed by a group of concerned boaties who decided that the increase in recreational boating was not matched by the establishment of matching rescue and educational facilities available. This rescue group made approaches for affiliation with the newly established organisation in Queensland, then known as the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Auxiliary. Thus QF8 Townsville was formed under the leadership of Commodore Les Darcy and Vice Commodore Lew Green. A radio base was established initially in the Townsville Motor Boat Club and members used their own vessels for rescues. The area served by the Flotilla is south to Cape Bowling Green and north to Great Palm Island.
The first Flotilla owned vessel, a 23ft Shark Cat powered by twin 115hp Johnson outboards was launched on 23rd February 1974. This vessel was lost in an accident at sea during a rescue mission on 18th November 1977. An 18ft caravan was purchased and used as an operations centre until a permanent operations building was completed and officially opened on 2nd September 1978 by the Mayor of Townsville, the late Perc. Tucker.

A replacement vessel, another 23ft Shark Cat was launched on 24th January 1978. This was followed by a 32ft Power Cat “Mabel Cunningham”, then a 10 metre Norcat “Mabel Cunningham 11” launched by Commodore Graham Clarke on 29th July 1987. A replacement vessel “Spirit of Rotary” a 43ft fly bridge cruiser powered by 450HP Cummins turbo diesels was launched by National Commodore Gillett on 6th October 2001.

The Flotilla received its Charter signed by Commodore Clarke and presented by State Commodore Fred Lee on 15th August 1973.

A full History of QF8 Townsville is available in the Archive Files.

In the mid 1970’s the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association comprised of some 30 Flotillas. In the mid 1990’s there were 60 Flotillas, with some 2700 regular members and 8000 associate members.
QF12 Tully
Early in 1970, Hank Penning began a safety watch program in the Tully area using private vessels and radio bases. After the death of Hank Penning mid 1970, it was decided that a more formal approach was needed and wheels were put in motion to form an official Coast Guard. Land was obtained and an old house was purchased and relocated to the site. The building was an old farmhouse with an asking price of $500. The Flotilla offered to pay $1000 and the vendor was requested to donate $500 back to QF12. A this time the Queensland Government paid $ for $ on all monies raised, so the actual cost of the building was $0.00. This building was opened on 1st October 1977. The first rescue vessel was a 23-foot Shark Cat. The designated area served is north to Clump Point and south to Murray River.
A new headquarters building situated on the Hull River and costing $150,000 was opened on 28th March 1992. The current rescue vessel named “Mary Liddle” is an 8.2 metre Cairns Custom Craft. The Flotilla received its Charter on 11th March 1978,

28TH APRIL 1971
Under the Queensland Companies Acts, 1961 to 1964, A Certificate of Registration of a Foreign Company was duly signed on 28th April 1971. State Commodore Reg Leigh Smith was the Agent appointed in Queensland No. of the Company was 888/71.. (Copy of this document is attached) The A.V.C.G.A. is a registered charity.
Due to technical difficulties encountered with the Common Constitution in South Australia, the S.A. Squadron Board lodged with the National Board a modified version of that document on 7th November 1971. This Constitution was subsequently registered under the name of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard of South Australia Incorporated, after sufficient by-laws had been drawn up to ensure unity with the National Body.
Registration of the Association to this date being effected in the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia.
QF10 Mossman, QF11 Yeppoon, QF7 Mackay, were being established.
QF10 Mossman/Port Douglas
Was established in 1971, the area or responsibility being north to Cape Tribulation and south to White Cliffs. National Commodore Fred Lee presented their Charter in 1973. The headquarters building was opened in 1978.
QF11 Yeppoon
Area served Capricorn Coast north to Broadsound and south to Cape Capricorn. National Commodore Fred Lee presented their Charter in 1973.
20 MARCH 1971
Copies of the Constitution were formally presented to the National Board and it was agreed that these be sold at $1 each, proceeds being placed in a special fund to be used for further publications.
9TH JULY 1971
Commodore W. Henry submitted Training Orders and Rating Orders. Bound copies were $1 per copy.
Consideration was to be given to the formation of a northern Division in Queensland. N. Miles was to be appointed Senior Flotilla Leader for Flotillas formed north of and including Mackay.

15TH APRIL 1972
The North Queensland Squadron
Was formed on 15th April 1972, its area of responsibility extends from Cape Bowling Green, 25 nautical miles south of Townsville and along the Australian mainline Coast Line to Skardon River in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The Squadron is now comprised of ten operational Flotillas The Squadron received its Charter on 15th November 1975 signed by National Commodore Fred Lee.
JUNE 1972
QF14 Ingham
Ingham, situated 110kms north of Townsville and 29kms from the mouth of the Herbert River was named after William Bairstow Ingham an entrepreneur who took up a Sugar Plantation known as “Ings” in 1874. The first meeting for Coast Guard Ingham was held in June 1972 at the Victoria Hotel in Ingham. Meetings continued to be held at various hotels until the Coast Guard Base at Lucinda was officially opened on 10th June 1978. On 7th December 1974 the Ingham Flotilla commenced radio watch with radios temporarily housed at the Chapman’s residence at Lucinda until the Coast Guard Base was completed. The area of operation is north to Ramsey Bay, Hinchinbrook Island and south to Great Palm Island. A Charter of Operations signed by National Commodore Fred Lee and State Commodore Norm Miles was granted to QF14 Ingham on 6th September 1974.
The first Rescue Vessel “Jaycees 1” was launched at the Taylors Beach boat ramp on 21st February 1976, and was replaced on 12th December 1982 by a 28foot Power Cat “Jaycees 11” powered by 2 x 200HP Mercury Outboards. In November 1999 a third vessel “ Snow Stafford” was purchased.

The Flotilla received a Citation and Commodore’s Gold Award on 26th November 1977 for the rescue of the racing yacht “Odessey”, conducted during Cyclone Wato Rea (27th April 1976). During the operation which lasted eleven hours, the superstructure of “ Jaycees 1” suffered severe damage.

19TH AUGUST 1972
At the National Board meeting held at Southport, it was authorised that a complete record of all members’ personal particulars and qualifications should be completed. A sample record sheet was distributed (AVCGA Membership Card).
Commodore Les Swift, Victoria Squadron was granted Life Membership of the Association.

QF2 Brisbane
(Manly) The inaugural meeting was held on 8th November 1972 with nine members in attendance. Bert Macchion was elected Commander and Len Young as Vice Commander.
The Flotilla first operated from a caravan along the foreshores of Waterloo Bay, Manly. The pontoon consisted of two 44- gallon drums tied together with two painter’s planks as a walkway and a makeshift handrail. Land was offered to the Flotilla on Manly Harbour. In 1975 a timber shack was donated to the Flotilla and on weekends 12v batteries were used to run the light and the two radios, as CB radios had just come on the market.

The Flotilla, registered as Brisbane Coast Guard received its Charter signed by National Commodore J. Arnott and State Commodore M. Sivyer, 13th November 1973.

Seven years later the Flotilla headquarters at Manly Boat Harbour was officially opened by the then Premier of Queensland Sir Lew Edwards on 6th October 1979.

As the result of a deal struck with Len Field (a designer/builder of Hydrofield boats) that if members of QF2 were to supply the labour to construct the factory he needed to produce his product, he would in return for their voluntary labour, supply the first 20’6” Hydrofield hull free of charge. This was the first vessel QF2 was to own and was powered by 2 x 105hp Chrysler motors. In 1979 CG1, an 18tf Sharkcat with 2 x 140hp Chrysler Chargers was purchased. Shortly after a 20ft Crowncraft built by Dick Yowe ( a long serving member and Commander of QF2 for many years) was purchased as a second back up vessel and dive boat. Mid 1980 a 26ft Cougar Cat, CG 11 was bought.
In 1997 CG1 was replaced with a 32ft Cougar Cat which was fitted with an infrared night vision camera. In 1999 CG11 was sold and replaced with a 32ft aluminum cat and was replaced in 2004 with a 26ft Sharkcat. A 6.0m Rigid inflatable named CG22 – RL.Yowe was purchased for use by advanced crew members with NTO410 qualifications.

JULY 1973
QF3 Redcliffe
QF3 was a flotilla in formation as early as 21st August 1971 but it was not until July 1973 that several community minded people met to consider forming a Coast Guard Unit similar to those operating in other areas. as a result of a boating accident off Scarborough in Moreton Bay, Queensland, during the Easter holidays 19973 where some lives were lost The efficient organisation and services provided by the Coast Guard in other areas had been recognized.
The inaugural meeting of QF3 Redcliffe was held on 30th July 1973 at the Scarborough Marine Centre and was chaired by Flotilla Leader L. Maccion of QF2 Brisbane. Elections were held with Mr. G. Sorley being elected Flotilla Leader, R. Lennox elected Senior Vice Leader, and I. Fien, Staff Officer. The first membership application was received from Mr. S. Youitt and the membership fee was set at $10.

The Flotilla operated out of a caravan until the Base and Operations Centre was completed and officially opened on 1st May 1983 by Mr. Terry White, Minister for Welfare Services in Queensland. The first Flotilla owned rescue vessel was a Nova 1700, complete with 115hp motor for a cost of $3600 officially launched on 7th December 1976.

The Flotilla received its Charter signed by National Commodore F. Lee and State Commodore Reg Leigh Smith on 27th November 1974.

In August 1991 members began the construction of their new rescue vessel at the Hydrofield factory under the supervision of Mr. Len Field. After 3,978 voluntary man-hours the Hydrofield vessel powered by three outboard motors was launched on 19th July 1992.

The purchase of a new rescue vessel “Redcliffe Leagues” proved to be a disaster as it was not built to correct specifications and a legal battle ensued. This was finally resolved in 2004.

QF15 Innisfail
Came into being when the Johnstone Shire Council Chairman, the late E.H. Webb called a public meeting on 11th August 1973 where it was resolved to form a boat safety organisation. QF15 Innisfail was formed in October 1973 with George Horsford being the first Commander. QF15 covers an area south to Clump Point and north to the Mulgrave River.
Initially radio watches were manned from members own flotilla auxiliary vessels parked on the harbour foreshore. A disused ‘white ant eaten’ shack was transported to land at Mourilyan Harbour which had been granted by the Department of Harbour and Marines. The shack was practically demolished by members to allow alterations and renovations to render the building functional. The building commenced operational use in April 1974, power being supplied by batteries until electricity was connected in March 1975.

The first rescue vessel ‘Coastguard 15” a 24ft aluminium De Haviland with twin 115hp Evinrude motors costing $15,000. was purchased in August 1975. The vessel was blessed and commissioned on the same day as the Flotilla received its colours and official Charter signed by National Commodore J. Arnott and State Commodore N. Miles, on 28th September 1975.

A building committee chaired by George Horsford commenced construction of a new headquarters in January 1982 which was officially opened by the then Premier of Queensland, The Honourable Mr. J. Bjelke-Petersen on the 27th November 1982.

In October 1979 the first vessel was replaced with “The Spirit of Innisfail”an 8.2m Juguar Hydrofield with 200hp Mercury outboards. This vessel was replaced with a 34ft Randell, “Spirit of Innisfail 11” in January 1987. The current vessel “Just Laray” a 45ft Randell West Coaster powered by a 385hp Volvo diesel engine was commissioned by Commodore Graham Clarke in January 1992 A 5m RIB Swift vessel “The Zap” powered by a 80hp Yamaha is used for inshore and river rescues.
In October 2003, QF15 Innisfail celebrated its 30th anniversary.

NOTE: A full thirty-year (30) History of QF15 Innisfail is included in the Documents referred to in the History of AVCGA folder.

QF4 Caloundra
Following a public meeting organized by the APEX Club, QF4 Caloundra became part of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association in December 1973. National Commodore Fred Lee presented its Charter on 28th November 1974. Flotilla Leader was Mr. Les Wolfe. Members’ vessels were used in the beginning and the Flotilla operated from a “ramshackle” shed on their proposed site at Tripcony Park. The Flotilla Jet Boat “Lady Byrne” was launched on 24th July 1977 and was replaced with a new Shark Cat on 14th December 1980.
The State Governor, Sir James Ramsay on 9th February 1985, officially opened the headquarters building.

13TH FEB. 1974
Mr. Jim Dickie, President of Crown Control Corp. USA presented to the New South Wales Squadron their first owned vessel, a 21ft Swiftcraft, equipped to a high standard with safety and medical equipment. The vessel was named “Eileen Dickie” after our benefactor’s wife who performed the christening ceremony at the RMYC Rose. Bay. The vessel was more usually known as the “Crown Water Ambulance” or “CG18” and was initially fitted out and operated by the Port Jackson Flotilla.
14TH MAY 1974
National Board approved the set up of a Cadet Unit at QF1 Southport and controlled by a set of By-Laws.
MARCH 1974
Fred Lee became National Commodore 1974 to 1976.
QF5 Noosa
Was formed at the end of 1974 and together with QF4 Caloundra were designated the Sunshine Coast Division. The first Flotilla Leader was Mr. Ashley Booth.
27TH JULY 1974
Les Swift produced a Guide to Administration.
27TH JULY 1974
Commodore Les Swift printed the first edition of the Members Guide and the second edition was printed in January 1977. The preface read, “ In setting out this “Members Guide” I have endeavoured to project to the reader, the original intention of the AVCGA founders. In this regard I am deeply indebted to Past National Commodore E. S. Madden for the instruction received at his hand and for his copious notes.
Every effort has been made to include those changes that have either received general acceptance or been written into the Constitution as amendments.

It is not intended that this guide should take the place of the Constitution and if there is a variance, the Constitution must always take precedents, however I have exercised all the care possible to avoid this state of affairs.”

(Signed) L. J. Swift, Past National Commodore.

NF4 received its Charter.
Sir Henry Winneke K.C.V.O., K.C.M.G., O.B.E., K.StJ., QC. Governor of Victoria accepted the office of Honorary Commodore of the Victorian Squadron.
16TH MARCH 1975
A move was made by National Board to register the Association as a Foreign Company in Tasmania and Western Australia.
5TH JULY 1975
QF17 Tin Can Bay
Following the formation of QF5 Noosa Flotilla and the rapidly increase in boating in the area, it became obvious that there was a need for some form of voluntary organisation trained in rescue and patrol to cover the vast area of waterways of Wide Bay, north of Tin Can Bay and the southern end of Sandy Straits. With administration and training assurance from the newly formed QF5 Noosa Flotilla a public meeting was held on 5th July 1975 with thirty-five enthusiastic boating people attending and Tin Can Bay became a section of Noosa with R.A. Watson the section leader. The first general meeting of the section was held on 22nd July 1975 with seventeen members in attendance. QF17 became a Flotilla in its own right on 6th July 1976 with 39 members who used their own boats and equipment. The Flotilla received its AVCGA State Charter presented by Captain B. Coghlan on 6th July 1976.
A caravan was purchased in 1978 as a mobile base and was towed to Norman Point by the duty crews when required. A lease was obtained for the land at Norman Point and a brick headquarters building was officially opened by the local member, L. Stephan MLA for Gympie 10th June 1982. The first rescue vessel “Trojan” a 21ft Dehavilland mono hull was purchased from Noosa. In July 1986 a new twin hull vessel with twin 90hp Johnson motors, “Suntel” was commissioned. During 1990 the additions of an extra storey for the building were made providing a more extensive radio room, sleeping quarters for duty crew, a meeting room and storage.

20TH JULY 1975
Cadets and C-Gals may be adopted as an adjunct to each and every Flotilla in the Organisation with the sanction of the Squadron Board.
25TH JULY 1975
A National Fund Raising Office be established controlled by a National Fund Raising Chairman. (Resolution 25).
A Queensland Division is to be initiated.

The formation of the Sunshine Coast Division is to be ratified.

Mr. E. Walters was empowered to register Business Names in Queensland to protect the name AVCG being wrongly represented.

New South Wales registered as a Foreign Company and registered under the Charitable Collection Act.
21ST MARCH 1976
Darwin Sea Rescue, Davenport Offshore Rescue Group, (Tasmania), The Derby Ski and Boating Club (WA) were contacted.
21ST MARCH 1976
The suggested formation of a Specialist Squadron to deal with history, protocol and traditions of the AVCGA was considered. This was left to Dr. Hardie for further action.
13TH MAY 1976
At an Extraordinary General meeting held by National Board it was noted that TAA had offered $750.00 per annum free travel for National Board.
QF6 Mooloolaba
The inaugural meeting of QF6 Mooloolaba was held on the 12th May 1976, with Mr. Gerry Smith being nominated as the first Flotilla Commander. Members used their own craft and an 18’ Hamilton Jet loaned by Caloundra Flotilla for rescues. The Flotilla purchased its own rescue craft in October 1976, a 21’ Carribean Reef Runner named “Centaur 11”, later to be replaced by “Rotary 1” a 29’ Powercat and commissioned in November 1984 The first headquarters was a small caravan, with the necessary radio equipment based at Kawana ramp donated by Buderim Lions Club. Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen M.L.A. officially opened the new headquarters building in March 1984.
13TH MAY 1976
It was agreed to form an Advisory Committee to compile the past history of AVCGA for documentation.
23RD MAY 1976
National Training Order No 3/76 – Officer’s Obligations and Responsibilities was distributed.
Norm Miles, North Queensland, was elected National Commodore 1976 to 1978.
28TH AUGUST 1976
The South Queensland and Sunshine Coast Divisions were reconstructed as Squadrons.
28TH AUGUST 1976
Illawarra Squadron
The suggestion was made that a Southern New South Wales Squadron be formed subject to the formation of a second Flotilla in the Wollongong area and be called the Illawarra Squadron, the area of operation being south of Stanwell Park and Illawarra in the south. The Illawarra Squadron was recognized on 4th December 1976, with NF5 Bellambi and NF6 Lake Illawarra as the Flotillas. The Squadron received its Charter in 1981. The Illawarra Squadron was later to be known as the Southern New South Wales Squadron.
28TH AUGUST 1976
The Central Queensland Division
Was to be constituted a Squadron subject to the formation of a second Flotilla. Boundaries to be from Latitude 20 to Latitude 26 (Proserpine to Maryborough).
An approach was to be made to Australia Post on the possibility of having a Postage Stamp issued to commemorate 20th anniversary of Coast Guard.

NF08 Evans Head
Situated on the Evans River was established following an article inserted by the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association in the Northern Star newspaper in late August 1976 inviting persons to attend a lecture on the Aims and Methods of the Association. The lecture was conducted by the Far North Coast Divisional Captain Dr. Brian Whitlock. The inaugural meeting was held on 16th October 1976 chaired by Commodore Aggio, NSW South Coast Squadron. The first Flotilla Commander was Ron Doyle, with H. de Looze appointed Vice Flotilla Commander. The Flotilla received its Charter, presented by New South Wales Squadron Commodore Jim Mortimer on 27th August 1977.
After many hours of hard work, the first rescue vessel CG161 was launched on 16th February 1983.The area served by NF08 is from Ballina north to Yamba South. .
The first Flotilla Base Station was located in a room at the RSL Club. On 11th January 1998 National Commodore Graham Clarke officially opened their new Radio Base Station situated at Razorback Lookout which overlooks the bar entrance to the Evans River and an uninterrupted view north to Ballina “The Evans Head Flotilla First 30 Years” Scrap Book compiled by Commander (Sub) Ken Boland for their 30th Anniversary Dinner held 9th December 2006 forms part of the Archives documents.

A Charter was granted to South Queensland Squadron signed by National Commodore L. C. Newman and State Commodore A. Ashton.
The formation of the Far North New South Wales Squadron was ratified. Dr. Whitlocke was appointed acting Squadron Commodore. On 25th June 1977 this decision was rescinded.
Squadron Commodores were asked to send any information which could be helpful to compile a set of Books of Information (eg. Job descriptions, Training, Reporting etc).
Squadron Commodore Whitlocke was authorized to contact persons in Western Australia and liaise with the National Commodore with a view to forming a Coast Guard organisation in that State.

The National Staff Commodore was to prepare a list of all Squadron Officers and circulate the list.

25TH JUNE 1977
Commodore Hardie was appointed AVCGA National Delegate on the Australian Standards Association Committee. MEMBERSHIP at this date was 2826. (Full 1814, Provisional 68, Cadet 138, Associate 806).
Illawarra Squadron was to proceed with the formation of a Flotilla in Canberra.

Production of a Coast Guard Year Book was considered to be a good idea.

4TH MARCH 1978
Dr. Robert Hardie (NSW) was elected National Commodore and served for eight years, standing down from the position in 1986 and became National Board adviser. Dr. Hardie held the positions of Flotilla Commander NF1, Training Officer NF1, NSW Squadron Commodore, Squadron Training Officer, Substantive Rank of Squadron Commodore and Substantive Rank of National Commodore.
JULY 1978
Rank titles were changed. Flotilla Leader became Flotilla Commander.
QF19 Rockhampton
In September 1978 a public meeting was held for all those interested in forming a Coast Guard unit in Rockhampton. The unit was to be Australia’s first brown-water marine rescue unit. the aims were to promote boating safety for the many users of the Fitzroy River and environs. The area served is the Fitzroy River above the barrage as far as navigable, 40 miles to the mouth of the river, 7 miles across Keppel Bay to Sea Hill on Curtis Island and 28 miles into the Narrows.
On 3rd November 1978 the first General meeting of the QF19 Rockhampton Flotilla was held. For the first twelve months the Flotilla operated from a caravan at the Barrage providing a radio watch at weekends. Members vessels were used for activities and training.

On 21st March 1986 a lease on land was finalized and work immediately began on improvements. In early 1992 a donga was placed on this land as a headquarters.
A second-hand 15 foot aluminum runabout with a 50 hp motor (known as “Puddlejumper”, the first rescue vessel was purchased in July 1992. A permanent home for the Flotilla at “Toonooba”, an historic building, overlooking the Fitzroy River was obtained in January 1996.

In March 1996 QF19 was officially recognized, accredited and given its Charter.

It was suggested that consideration be given to appointing an historian for the purpose of holding all old records.
Application for membership of the International Lifeboat Federation was approved. Commodore John Pearson was to be the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc. representative.

The Solander Division was chartered. The Division started with three flotillas, Botany Bay, Port Hacking and Georges River and a Division Radio Unit. The Division is unique in Coast Guard and has developed and been refined to the point where it operates very successfully and efficiently. Georges River was disbanded and the two remaining Flotillas being less than a nautical mile apart in some places share the same Radio Base but each operates its own rescue vessel. The Division serves the area north to Wedding Cake Island, south to Stanwell Park and west to Botany Bay and Port Hacking.
6TH JULY 1979
A motion was passed that the word “Volunteer” be incorporated in all literature, insignia et al.
7TH JULY 1979
NF10 Ballina
Situated on the Richmond River was established. The area served is from Byron Bay north to Evans Head in the south.
Discussion took place on the possible formation of a National Conference of all organisations involved in Marine Search and Rescue.

1980 - 1989

Reg Leigh Smith who was the Public Officer in Queensland, was replaced by Ian Firth.
Correspondence was received re application for a Flotilla to be established at Ayr.
Correspondence received from Staff Captain Gray, South Australia, re formation of a group in Tasmania.

Brian J. Doyle was appointed Public Officer for the Association in Canberra.

An application was to be made for a postage stamp to be struck in honour of Coast Guard.

NF7 Shellharbour
This Flotilla was formed in the early 1980’s and began its operation from a caravan situated at Shellharbour Harbour. The area served is from Red Point Port Kembla in the North to Kiama in the South. Members used their own vessels for active duty until sufficient funds were raised to purchase their own rescue vessel. This was achieved mid 1980. This vessel was decommissioned in 1988. The current vessel is a custom build vessel “Shelly’s Rescue” which cost in excess of $65,000.
Local Council restrictions state that their base must be portable, and the need for a bigger base was evident with an increase in membership. A 22ft. site office was purchased and refurbished to replace their caravan.
1ST MARCH 1980
Sheila Robinson was appointed Public Relations Officer with the rank of Captain.
Charter granted to VF6 Dramona. (now called VF6 Safety Beach)

Charter granted to NF9 Swansea.

Correspondence re visit to America by an Australian Rowing Team to participate in the New York Harbour Festival on 4th July 1980 (Pan Am) was received. Nine Coast Guard members attended.

Consideration was being given to the formation of a Flotilla in Albany.

Preparation of a Coast Guard Year Book is to be initiated by Deputy National Commodore Menge.
National Training Commodore W. Henry is to proceed with the approach to AYF for affiliation.

Opening of the South Australian Headquarters.

Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser accepted position of Honorary National Commodore.

NF11 Port Stephens
A New Flotilla formed at Lemon Tree Passage, Port Stephens. Received Charter on 7th November 1982.
QF21 Sandy Straits
Former Commander Ray Earle, later Sunshine Coast Squadron Commodore was instrumental in having QF21 set up. It was through a misfortune on one of his fishing trips in mid 1970 when the necessity for radio communication from ship to shore became apparent. Every effort had been made to attract someone’s attention for assistance. None was forthcoming.
As a result of this, a radio group known as the Maryborough Hervey Bay Power Boat Club was formed. The inaugural meeting of this group was held on 4th December 1980.

In April 1982 the base moved from Hervey Bay to Boonooroo and operated from a private residence. An application for the Marine Radio Club to join AVCGA was lodged in February 1983, with all debts, assets and other property donated to Coast Guard. The first meeting of the Flotilla was held on 7th July 1983 with nine members present. Ray Earle was elected Commander with Sel Turner Vice Commander, and the Flotilla was to be known as QF21 Sandy Straits. The Flotilla Charter received on 31st March 1984 was presented by National Commodore Hardie.

In 1986 a demountable was purchased to house the radio equipment and operate as their Base until 1990 when their Headquarters was completed and officially opened by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services in Queensland, Terry Mackenroth. The first rescue vessel “Straits Rescue” a 6.5m Trojan was purchased in 1985 and based at River Heads. A second vessel “Pride of Maryborough” a 8.0m Stringray was commissioned on 6th June 1991 and based at Boonooroo. In 1992 “Straits Rescue” overturned and sank during a midnight rescue, with the cabin and superstructure totally destroyed. The vessel was back in service at the end of March 1992.

A 7.5m Pacific Craft “Ariadne”(named after the first migrant ship to enter the port of Maryborough was commissioned on 6th September 1996. A second “Pride of Maryborough” an 8.25m Fisher Offshore was commissioned on 19th January 2000.

31ST JULY 1981
QF21 Sandy Straits
Former Commander Ray Earle, later Sunshine Coast Squadron Commodore was instrumental in having QF21 set up. It was through a misfortune on one of his fishing trips in mid 1970 when the necessity for radio communication from ship to shore became apparent. Every effort had been made to attract someone’s attention for assistance. None was forthcoming.
As a result of this, a radio group known as the Maryborough Hervey Bay Power Boat Club was formed. The inaugural meeting of this group was held on 4th December 1980.

In April 1982 the base moved from Hervey Bay to Boonooroo and operated from a private residence. An application for the Marine Radio Club to join AVCGA was lodged in February 1983, with all debts, assets and other property donated to Coast Guard. The first meeting of the Flotilla was held on 7th July 1983 with nine members present. Ray Earle was elected Commander with Sel Turner Vice Commander, and the Flotilla was to be known as QF21 Sandy Straits. The Flotilla Charter received on 31st March 1984 was presented by National Commodore Hardie.

In 1986 a demountable was purchased to house the radio equipment and operate as their Base until 1990 when their Headquarters was completed and officially opened by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services in Queensland, Terry Mackenroth. The first rescue vessel “Straits Rescue” a 6.5m Trojan was purchased in 1985 and based at River Heads. A second vessel “Pride of Maryborough” a 8.0m Stringray was commissioned on 6th June 1991 and based at Boonooroo. In 1992 “Straits Rescue” overturned and sank during a midnight rescue, with the cabin and superstructure totally destroyed. The vessel was back in service at the end of March 1992.

A 7.5m Pacific Craft “Ariadne”(named after the first migrant ship to enter the port of Maryborough was commissioned on 6th September 1996. A second “Pride of Maryborough” an 8.25m Fisher Offshore was commissioned on 19th January 2000.

31ST JULY 1981
QF24 Thirsty Sound
This Flotilla was initially established as a section of QF11 Yeppoon with a membership of 24. Until 1990 the section’s 2-way radio facility provided the only effective means of communication with the “outside world” during times of disaster such as cyclones, floods and other emergencies as there was no telecommunication facilities available in the area.
On 25th February 1995 a meeting was held between the local inhabitants to assess whether there would be enough support to justify the formation of a Flotilla. The positive support from that meeting saw the first Flotilla meeting held on 16th April 1995.

The Flotilla operates within a 50 nautical mile radius from Plumtree in the Shoalwater Bay/Broadsound area encompassing Cape Townsend, Marble Island, the Percy Isles and Hexham Island. The Flotilla occupies a metal-clad building which it owns on a leased block of land which is adjacent to the boat ramp at Thirsty Sound. Members used their own vessels for rescues and training until the Flotilla purchased its own rescue vessel “Thirsty Sound Rescue” a 9.6mNustar. The Flotilla received its Charter on 28th March 1996.

The term of office for Flotilla Commanders is to be one year.

Work caps bearing the words Australian Volunteer Coast Guard were approved.

National Board approved the formation of a provisional Darwin Flotilla Northern Territory Flotilla 1.
Mr. Ian Birbeck was appointed chairman of the Northern Territory Volunteer Coast Guard and Mr. E.J. Simmons was appointed Flotilla Staff Office. This appointment was withdrawn on 5th March 1982.

Motion passed that all elected and appointed Flotilla Officers, after election or appointment, are to be encouraged to attend an Officers Training Course.

The principle of Long Service/Good Conduct Award is accepted. A silver anchor for 10 years service and a gold anchor for 20 years service.

The Illawarra Squadron name was changed to Southern New South Wales Squadron.

CAPITATION FEES were increased to $6.
The Illawarra Squadron
Received its Charter as a Squadron of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc.
5TH MARCH 1982
National Board agreed to the formation of a Provisional Flotilla by Sunshine Coast Squadron whose duties will include the formation of a Band under the direction of Flotilla Commander Noel Sieman.
It was suggested that all Squadrons appoint an Historian with the view to ultimately combining all information to produce a document of recorded Coast Guard history
Commodore Hardie received Life Membership of the Association.

The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc. financial year begins 1st October and ends 30th September.

VF11 Hume was granted its Charter.

Waves magazine was produced by Captain Christine Lowe for the New South Wales Squadron.

5TH MARCH 1982
A delegate is to attend the Air Sea Rescue Association of Australia meeting.
Commodore John Pearson will replace Commodore Menge as RNLI Liaison Officer.

Donald Isaacs received Honorary Membership of the Association.

23RD MARCH 1982
Rear Admiral Sir Brian Murray K.C.M.G.., A.O., Governor of Victoria accepted office of Honorary Commodore of the Victorian Squadron.
20TH JULY 1982
SAF6 O’Sullivans Beach
Was formed and held its first meeting with nine members present and two visitors. The venue was Christies Beach Football Club. A radio van (caravan) situated at Marino was used as their radio room. The first caretaker chairman was Gordon Cathro followed by Brian Harding. In July 1983 SAF6 received its status and Dennis Lynch was elected Flotilla Commander.
In the first few years the Flotilla spent most of their time fundraising, training, attending community events and setting up their own static displays in malls, at schools and other locations. They were also very active out on patrols each weekend. The Flotilla also had a Ladies Auxiliary.

The Flotilla received its Charter signed by National Deputy Commodore Les Swift in February 1984. In November 1984 the Flotilla held the commissioning ceremony of their rescue vessel CG 03.

In April 1985 the radio van appeared to be causing interference with the Sea Rescue group and VF6 were given direction to move the van. The new location was the top of the O’Sullivan Beach boat ramp and permission was granted to erect a garage to house the rescue vessel. The general operational area is from Hallett Cove south to Port Noarlunga. At this time Basic Seamanship courses were held at the Noarlunga College of TAFE.

An Instructors Register was submitted for the Board’s approval by Commodore Henry together with a Register of Vessel Examiners and approved Instructors.
Three new publications were presented by Commodore Les Swift. Revised Members Guide, By-Laws and Officers Guide.

Associate member decal was approved.

National Training Orders shall form part of and be incorporated in the By-Laws.

Waves magazine as produced by New South Wales Squadron to become the National magazine, edited by Chris Lowe. Suggested date for the first issue was July/August 1983.

On 12th November 1988 Chris Lowe was unable to continue as editor because of work commitments.

APRIL 1983
NF14 Port Kembla
Was formed and was granted its Charter as a Flotilla of the Southern New South Wales Squadron in July 1985.
The NF14 Base on Hill 60, Red Point Port Kembla is a Radar, Radio Marine rescue Communications Base, operating seven days a week and on call twenty four hours a day with a hand over Base at Bulli. The Base is on a World War 2 Pill Box, 210 feet above sea level with a 360º view of thirty miles to both north and south and a full view of Lake Illawarra. The elaborate equipment gives the average height of waves in metres, the average distance of swell in seconds and the largest wave each hour from 10KM at sea . The weather updates enables the Base to give very accurate observations from Hill 60 every 3 hours.

30TH JULY 1983
NF17 Iluka/Yamba
Is situated on the Clarence River. This Flotilla was first known as the Clarence Flotilla and received its Charter on 30th March 1984. The Flotilla was renamed Iluka/Yamba on 9th November 1986. The first Commander was Gus Kreffer with N. Fisher as Vice Commander. The area served is from Evans Head north to Brooms Head south.
31ST JULY 1983
Consideration was being given to the formation of an Air Wing. Squadrons who showed interest were Victoria, South Queensland, Central Queensland, North Queensland, New South Wales. It was resolved that an Air Wing was not warranted (31st March 1984) but a central register of Aircraft Pilots is to be maintained.
10th November 1984, it was accepted that Pilots possessing a coxswain rating could wear the wings of their qualifying flying institution.

31 MARCH 1984
The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association is to accept the invitation to join the Air Sea Rescue Association of Australia. (Name to be changed). Name was changed to Marine Rescue Association of Australia 7th March 1986. The constitution stating its aims and objects was registered on 24th February 1988 in Canberra.
A Members Agreement for Development of Volunteer Marine Rescue Capabilities was signed by National Commodore Clarke on 21st October 1992.

31 MARCH 1984
COAST GUARD MOTTO – “SAFETY BY ALL MEANS” was accepted, community service being the motivation behind the motto. A song written by L. Tanto was also accepted.
QF 20 Keppel Sands Flotilla
The inaugural meeting of QF20 was held at Keppel Sands State School on 11th March 1984 with fifteen people present including Squadron Commodore Neil Jones and Commander and Vice Commander from QF11 Yeppoon. QF20 was formed and accepted a role in the National Organisation, the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc. In the first year a radio watch was run from the home of Flotilla Commander Gordon Ohl. Members kept their own boats at the ready for rescue work. The area served is Zilzie to Cape Capricorn including the northern end of Curtis Island and inshore of Wedge, Divided and Peak Islands.
Land on the Southern Bluff at Keppel Sands was leased and building of the Command Centre began in 1987, almost solely by volunteer labour. A 20 metre tower was also erected. The building was completed in 1991 completely free of debt. An aluminum vessel, named “Beryl Dowling” was purchased and modified to rescue standards. This vessel was replaced by a 7 metre Catamaran in May 2001 and officially named “Keppel Sands Rescue” on 1st November 2001. Call sign of the station is VMR 471. The Flotilla received its charter on 23rd July 1993.

Long Service Award for continuous active service (over ten Years) was to be struck, a silver anchor emblem to be worn on the right breast.

SAF6 Noarlinga, South Australia chartered.

Past Flotilla Commander David Waddell, NF10 Ballina lost his life during a rescue mission on the Ballina Bar. The Commodores Gold Award was awarded posthumously to David’s family and Crew members Norm Sturgeon and Peter Kerkenzov also received the Commodores Gold Award for their courageous action leading up to and following the loss of the vessel “Centaur” on 29th March 1983.

21ST JULY 1984
NF10 Ballina Radio Room was opened.
10 NOVEMBER 1984
Registration of the Association in Tasmania and Western Australia had been completed.
Commodore Graham Clarke was awarded Life Membership of the Association.

A sample card bearing the Pledge of the Association and record of acceptance as a member was circulated.

The New South Wales Squadron oversights 19 Flotillas and some 450 members; Southern New South Wales exercises responsibility for six Flotillas and some 120 members between Stanwell Park and Tathra on the far South Coast.

NF19 Kingscliff
Formally known as Kingscliff Radio Watch began on 12th November 1982, NF19 Kingscliff Flotilla became established on 6th February 1985 and received its Charter on 14th July 1989. The first Commander was N. Brooks and F. Anderson was Vice Commander. The area served is from Tweed Heads north to Pottsville south.
VF5 Lake Eppalock
VF5 was formed in 1985, operating on Lake Eppalock from premises allocated by the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission and is strategically located in the public picnic and swimming area overlooking one of the most actively used boating pools on the Lake which keeps the Flotilla and its members in the public eye.
In the beginning members used their own vessels for training and other activities until the first Flotilla owned vessel, CG5, a 23ft. Swiftcraft Sportsman, was purchased in 1987. This vessel was replaced by way of a grant from the State Government in 2001 by a 7mtr. Eden Craft powered by a Mercury 200hp EFI ( Electronic Fuel Injected) Outboard.

The Flotilla has a proud history, being part of the local emergency services, first call in all emergency activities on the Lake. They are also supported by the local Victorian Water Police Squad. They also take part in annual events in and around Bendigo, the Bendigo Easter Fair, Agricultural Show and Lake Marathons, events which are good public awareness exercises.

The first Flotilla Commander was Ray Campbell and the Flotilla received its charter on 28th April 2001

26TH JULY 1985
New South Wales and Victoria were empowered to operate a pilot scheme for the utilisation of Associate members as radio operators.
Commodore W. Henry presented Commodores Hardie, Swift and Clarke with the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard plaques formally commemorating their Life Membership.

Past Commodore Fred Lee received the first Association’s Ten Year Long Service Award which was presented by Commodore Hardie.

The COAT OF ARMS of the Association shall be the emblem with the Motto “Safety By All Means” encircled circumferentially at its base, external to the circlet.

SYMBOLISM – The White-breasted Australian Sea Eagle carries the unfouled anchor above the blue patch, symbolising surveillance and security on the water. The Southern Cross – present in the field on the Australian National Flag.

Vice Captain Chris Lowe, editor of the “Waves” magazine was appointed a National Officer with the rank of Captain. The name of the magazine was changed from “Waves” to “Coast Guard”.

QF19 Cairns Flotilla was awarded the Commodore’s Gold Award in recognition of outstanding action in the “Alenal” incident.

Rank titles were changed to Flotilla Vice Commander and Vice Commander Training.
QF7 Redland Bay
In 1979 a safety conscious Fishing Club made a habit of “logging-in” with Coast Guard Manly (Brisbane). Eight members of the Redland Bay Amateur Fishing Club joined the club and formed a Section of Coast Guard Manly in 1984. The Section was already accredited with the saving of two lives.
In March 1986 a Flotilla was formed at Weinan Creek, Redland Bay under the leadership of Commander Kel. O’Shea (for the next eight years). As proprietor of the Redland Bay Hotel, Commander O’Shea installed an emergency radio to monitor any emergency calls and meetings were also held at the hotel. Membership totaled 22 with 21 member- inspected vessels.

The first Flotilla owned rescue vessel CG 700, a 5.8m Haines Hunter powered by a 185 HP Evinrude was traditionally launched on 7th February 1987. An old caravan fully equipped with all radio equipment, tools for repairs, First Aid equipment etc was the operations center located at the boat ramp at Weinam Creek, Redland Bay. Four years later, the Shire Council allocated a section of land at the Creek adjoining the boat ramp for the Headquarters building. Commander Kel O’Shea was responsible for most of the building construction which cost some $150,000.

National Commodore Clarke presented the Flotilla Charter on 18th June 1988 The Headquarters was officially opened by Commodore Yowe (South Queensland Squadron) on the 24th November 1990.

In May 1992 a new Haines Hunter with a 350ci V8 inboard was purchased and a 3.8metre Zodiac IRB was purchased to assist in shallow water work and for diving operations. A 7.1m Noosa Cat was purchased in 2000 and a 9.8m Coogar Cat replaced this vessel in 2003. A 5.3m Niaid inflatable rigid boat and a 155hp three seater jet ski are also part of the rescue equipment.

7TH MARCH 1986
Difficulties were encountered in administering a unit in Darwin.
A register of members holding office in the Association including rank, dates of service, is to be maintained at Flotilla, Division, Squadron and National levels as applicable.

Len Turnbull, QF1 Southport is now the Public Officer of the Association in Queensland.

QF18 Airlie Beach Flotilla was granted its Charter.

7TH MARCH 1986
Graham Clarke, NF 3 was elected National Commodore and had served a record twelve years before standing down in 1998. He was then appointed National Board Adviser.
Last National report presented by Commodore Robert Hardie before standing down as National Commodore.

The Honorable Peter Morris, Federal Minister for Transport and Aviation was appointed as the Honorary National Commodore.

A Mobile Communications Centre was presented to the New South Wales Squadron by the Hon. L.J. Brereton, Minister for Public Works, Ports and Roads at the 1986 Sydney International Boat Show.
The first issue of COASTGUARD, “The Newsletter” was presented by Captain Chris Lowe.
28TH JUNE 1987
The inaugural meeting of Committee of New South Wales Commodores was held at Port Kembla. Commodore Barton was elected Chairman for the first twelve months.
Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association in South Australia celebrated 25 years.

An “Off Shore Flotilla” was in formation in Sydney. This was disbanded 17th February 1988.

Commander P.R. Swan was granted Life Membership of the Association.
Commander W. Barber was granted Life Membership of the Association.

Byron Bay
A Flotilla was in formation at Byron Bay in 1987, but merged with NF10 Ballina Flotilla in March 1988.
11TH MARCH 1988
The official opening of the Government Seaway Tower on the Gold Coast, by Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen jointly manned by Coast Guard and ASR, took place on May 31st 1988.
MARCH 1988
Commodore John Pearson received the OAM.medal.
National Training Commodore Henry was seeking assistance of somebody with typing and editing ability to catalogue and distribute documents. South Queensland Squadron offered to assist. Staff Captain Laurie undertook this position.

Hill 60 Radio Base is now operating seven (7) days a week.

Radio Base is being established at Point Perpendicular Lighthouse.

Wallaroo has a Flotilla in formation.

Boards of Inquiry document presented by National Vice Commodore Pearson. This document was accepted in principle on 12th November 1988 and held by National Board for future reference.

Two manuals entitled “Cadet Seaman” and “Cadet Quartermaster” were presented for perusal by National Training Commodore Bill Henry.

23RD MAY 1988
Coast Guard Port Augusta SAF8
situated at the northern end of Spencer Gulf was officially opened by Mayor Joy Baluch as a Radio Base Station, operated by Ken and Raylene Pollock from their home. A few years later permission was granted to set up a standby-station to help with all the calls being received from Associate members, yachties and local boaties.
On 21st August 1996 a public meeting was held in Port Augusta to discuss the formation of a Flotilla, as well as maintaining the Radio Base Station. Commander Ken Pollock was the first Flotilla Commander and Doug Gill was Vice Commander. Fundraising commenced to purchase the first rescue vessel CG08 and a towing vehicle, these being housed in their boatshed. Members who assisted in the search for a downed aircraft in Spencer Gulf were awarded “Certificates of Appreciation” by the South Australian Government. The Flotilla received its Charter on 14th September 2001, signed by National Commodore Gillett. The Commissioning of a new Patrol vessel “Challenger” took place on 24th August 2002. This vessel is now used as a training vessel only. “Albatross” and “Maverick” are the current vessels in 2005.

Standard colour for Coast Guard vessels to be air sea rescue orange or bright yellow with a pantone reflex blue flash.
MARCH 1989
Commodore Bob Hardie was honoured by the presentation of the Australian SeaSafety Award in recognition of his dedication and continued service to sea safety spanning twenty-two (22) years.
16TH APRIL 1989
NF6 Lake Illawarra launched their newly acquired vessel named “Lake Illawarra” National Commodore Clarke carried out the christening ceremony.
8TH JULY 1989
Launching of CG28 at NF3 Ku-Ring-Gai Flotilla.
NF10 Ballina received its Charter.

Queenscliffe Flotilla VF9 received its Charter.

16TH JULY 1989
NF9 Kingscliff Flotilla received its Charter.
VF3 Loch Sport granted its Charter.

NF9 Swansea Flotilla was successful in its tender for operation of the Swansea road bridge.

QF 16 Cooktown
Early 1989 after two close calls, members of the Cooktown Sport and Game Fishing Club decided to consult with the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard with a view to formalizing a marine search and rescue group in Cooktown. In September 1989, Commodores Lindsay and Porter from the North Queensland Squadron met with interested locals at the Cooktown RSL and gave the locals an overview of the aims, objectives and responsibilities of the Association, and advice on how to set up a Flotilla. The operational area is north to Cape Flattery and south to Cape Tribulation.
The first general meeting of the Flotilla was held on the first Tuesday in March 1990. Dave Moore (Publican of the Lion’s Den Hotel) was the first Commander who only held the position for eight months, business commitments forcing him to stand down. Keith Eales was then elected Commander with Bob Harvey taking the Vice Commander position. The Flotilla received its Charter signed by National Commodore Graham Clarke on 3rd April 1992.

Commander E. O’Donnell NSW received Life Membership of the Association.

1990 - 1999

16TH JULY 1990
Members Guide was completed, price to be $2.60 each.
Support is still being sought for the production of the National Newssheet.

National Radio Orders were declared as By-Laws.

25TH MARCH 1990
The AVCGA Radio Communication Training Manuals for Base Station Radio Operators as produced by Vice Captain Allan Laurie were distributed.
Queensland Volunteer Marine Rescue Committee liaison body was formed.

Commodore Robert Hardie had been honoured by the presentation of the Australian Sea Safety Award in March 1989. The Award was presented in recognition of his dedication and continued service to sea safety spanning 22 years.

Members Colin Anderson and David Jackson received the Commodore’s Gold Award for their rescue of 6th November 1989.

QF1 member Jim Knowles received the Commodore’s Silver Award on 13th May 1988, for saving a life.

The Commodore’s Silver Award was awarded to QF7 member Arthur Harding.

23RD MARCH 1990
Northern New South Wales Squadron
The formation of a Northern New South Wales Squadron was first considered on 30th March 1984 but it not until 23rd March 1990 that the Northern New South Wales Squadron was formed consisting of Iluka/Yamba. Evans Head, Ballina, Kingscliff and Byron Bay (in formation) The four Flotillas serve the coastal waters from Wooli, south of the Clarence River to the Queensland border (a distance of 113.5 nautical miles) and the lower reaches of the northern rivers systems including the Clarence, Richmond and Tweed Rivers. The entrances to all rivers on the far north coast have bars which can be extremely dangerous. The first Squadron Commodore was Ron Doyle and Doug Duffy was Deputy Squadron Commodore. The Squadron received its Charter on 27th November 1992.
National Commodore Clarke launched the QF5 Noosa Rescue Vessel “Pride of Noosa”.
It was noted that Syd Bullen, (Victoria) was doing research in connection with the History of Coast Guard in Australia. New South Wales has already produced a record entitled “21 Years On” dealing with the history of Coast Guard. Les Swift, with the help of others agreed to write a history of our Organisation covering the past thirty years.
The Queensland State Council
(Committee of Commodores) was established in 1990. The creation of the Bureau of Emergency Services (BES) in December 1989 saw the amalgamation of all emergency service groups, including the Volunteer Services under the administration of a single coordinating body. Following the involvement of BES in the development of Volunteer Marine Rescue Service in Queensland, it became essential to coordinate the efforts of the four AVCGA Squadrons. In response to this Government initiative, “The Queensland State Council” was established to represent the interests of the Queensland Flotillas on all matters at State level.
The Queensland State Council comprises a Chairman, the four Squadron Commodores, an Adviser, a State Training co-ordinator and a State Manager. Commodore Domotor, Central Queensland was the first Chairman. The Council is responsible for the administration of Government funding in accordance with its Service Agreement with the Queensland State Government and liaises with all Queensland State Government Departments, Instrumentalities and other State Organisations.l
National Board approved the formation of a Section attached to the Victorian Squadron for the purpose of assisting that Squadron.
9TH MARCH 1991
Working Agreement between the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association, Swansea Flotilla and Norah Head Search and Rescue Boat Club Inc was signed.
Commodore John Pearson was granted Life Membership of the Association.

23RD JUNE 1991
Working Agreement between the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association, Ku-ring-gai Flotilla and Terrigal Sea Rescue Service Inc was signed.
26TH JULY 1991
New South Wales Squadron negotiation is to obtain a lease on the former MSB building at South Head on Sydney Harbour for a Radio Base.
A certificate suitable for display is to be presented to all Radio Bases.

Charter was presented to Wallaroo, SAF 7.

International Life Boat Federation Conference – Oslo, Norway.

Commodore George Menge was granted Life Membership of the Association.
QF22 Torres Strait
Was in formation. The area served was Torres Strait Islands within 100nm radius to the north and 20 nm south on the western and eastern coastline of Capt York. The first Flotilla Commander was John Keenan. On 7th August 1993 their 23ft Haines Hunter vessel “Quetta Star” was launched by National Commodore Graham Clarke. The Flotilla base is sited in the old meteorological station in the old Fort complex situated on Green Hill (Refer to documents folder for a map of the Torres Strait area ) This flotilla was eventually taken over by VMR at the request of DES.
QF6 Mooloolaba launched its Rescue Vessel “Maroochy 1”.
28 MARCH 1992
NF1 Port Jackson moved into South Head Signal Station providing a radio service twenty-four hours a day seven days a week, thus maintaining a 200-year history of one of Australia’s most historic sites, the boldest facility in Australia that has been continuously manned since inception. ( A full history of the Signal Station can be read in documents attached to the history).
3RD APRIL 1992
A copyright statement to appear on all internal publications and printed literature of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association.
COPYRIGHT: “This document is subject to copyright.
No part of this document may be changed, reproduced,
photocopied in whole or in part without the written permission of
The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc. National Board.

3RD APRIL 1992
Format of future National Board meeting discussed.
Mr. Peter Murray from Berne, Murray and Tout was guest speaker.. ‘Legal pitfalls for rescue personnel”.

Application for Charter for QF16 Cooktown was presented.

Formation of a Flotilla at Goughs Bay.

Captain Sheila Robinson, National Stores, was granted Life Membership of the Association.

Tasmania Flotilla One (TF1)
Was in formation as a result of an unplanned get together of like minded boaties on board the motor sailor “Marloo” whilst moored in the duck pond, Bruny Island during the long weekend of 1-2 March 1992. Discussions on “Marloo” led to the subject of safety and qualifications of crews and of a self help organisation which could assist the Tasmanian Police Marine Division in the area.
Discussion continued for six months, the result being that Kettering was considered to be the best location .A transportable lined shed was offered for use as a duty and radio room, a birth for the duty boat and a room at the near-by hotel as a meeting/training room all at no cost.

The inaugural meeting was held in August with 21 persons owning 11 craft ranging from 15ft half cabin to a 43ft ocean going motor sailer .On 5-6th September Commodores Clarke, Hardie and Henry visited Tasmania and were shown the proposed area and met with prospective members. Commodore Henry conducted a training course at Kettering. On 9th September, Commodore Clarke announced that Tasmania Flotilla No 1 had been born, based at the Oyster Cover Marina at Kettering in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel some 30Km South of Hobart.

John Watson was the first Flotilla Commander. The Base is manned every weekend and public holidays except Christmas Day. Dr. Frank Madill, Minister for Police and Emergency Services is Patron of the Flotilla. The Flotilla Charter was granted on 25th March 1994. In 1996 Commodore Watson purchased the ex QF2 rescue vessel.

VF12 Sandringham and QF14 Lake Eildon were in formation.
Charter granted to the Northern New South Wales Squadron.

A proposed “Swearing In” procedure for elected and appointed officers was submitted by Vice Captain A. Laurie and was accepted. Minor changes to the original were made on 25th November 1994.
The Financial Year for the Association to be as at 30th June.

Commodore Yowe, South Queensland Squadron presented the first Squadron report which included a pictorial presentation.

Committee of Commodores
Was formed in New South Wales. Squadron Commodore Lakeman was appointed Chairman and Rear Commodore O’Neill as Secretary. Name was changed to New South Wales State Council on 25th March 1994.
National Commodore Hardie advised that it was necessary to have a Protocol Book as a reference book for every procedure so that no one makes a mistake and so that we can look professional in our public contacts as well as in other marine activities. The procedure for Scattering of Ashes at Sea will be written into the Protocol Book.

At the National Board meeting held in Yeppoon a tree planting ceremony, arranged by the Hotel Resort was performed by Commodore Clarke in the Hotel grounds.
FLOTILLAS IN FORMATION at this date. Torres Strait, Keppel Sands, Fitzroy River, Shellharbour, Kiama, Bermagui, Sandringham, Goughs Bay, Apollo Bay, Tasmania.

“Log On”, “Mayday Priority Order” and “Telephone Enquiry Message” forms using the Coast Guard Logo were presented by Commander Wilson and were approved.

Commodore Tom Porter, North Queensland granted Life Membership of the Association.

Commodore Bill Henry, National Training Commodore was honoured with the Medal of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day Honours list.
17TH MARCH 1993
Working Agreement between the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc and Southern New South Wales Squadron and the City of Wollongong Aerial Patrol Inc was signed.
TF3 Devonport
Was formed late 1993 and has expanded into Port Sorell and Wynyard. The Flotilla has the use of the old Devonport Marine Board building situated beside the River Mersey opposite the Spirit of Tasmania Ferry Terminal. A 4.8 metre vessel provides on water assistance. The Base is open every weekend of the year. The Flotilla operates marine radio at Devonport and Wynyard.
On 12th October 1996 a Commissioning Ceremony conducted by Deputy National Commodore Archbold was held to officially receive TF3s 16ft half cabin Bell Boy. The Flotilla received its Charter in 1998.

16TH MAY 1993
Special meeting held at Maroochydore re Executive of QF6 and Sunshine Coast Squadron with the National Executive, Minute Secretary and members of the Sunshine Coast Squadron in attendance.
20TH JUNE 1993
The Commissioning of the Patrol vessel “Robert Hardie Alert” was performed by Commodore Clarke and the Commissioning Order was presented to Commander John Watson, TF1. Formerly the police launch Alert, the vessel will be used for search and rescue operations mainly in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel. The vessel was named after National Commodore Robert Hardie one of the longest serving officers of the National Board, who played a major role in the formation of the Tasmanian group. At the same time Dr. Frank Madill, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Patron of AVCG Tasmania presented Commander Watson with the Tasmanian Ensign. The ceremony took place on the former Manly ferry, ‘North Head’ on Hobart’s waterfront.
23RD JULY 1993
Portland Roads Radio Base was established.
Commander M. Wilson was appointed National Public Relations Officer.

Captain C. Laurie was officially appointed National Minute Secretary having compiled the minutes for the past two years.

The Twenty Year Long Service Award to be a gold anchor similar to the ten-year silver anchor award.

NF16 Bermagui Flotilla was granted its Charter.

QF20 Keppel Sands was granted its Charter.

Commodore Reg Leigh Smith, the first Queensland State Commodore received Life Membership.

Commodore Cowie provided a brief report from the inaugural meeting of the New South Wales Committee of Commodores. Commodore Dick Lakeman was appointed Chairman with Rear Commodore Alan O’Neill as Secretary.

“It’s a National Event”. A special fund raising campaign to assist the National Board operations was planned.
The Associations Incorporation Act 1991 and its effect on the Association as an incorporated association under the relevant legislation was raised by Commodore Askey. The Association must comply with all the requirements laid down.
Coast Guard History – Commodore Jones was to continue with this project with assistance from National P.R. Officer Wilson. Commodore Anderson offered to assist with editorial matters.


The “Us and Them” Syndrome was prepared by Vice Captain Gillett, Commodore Hardie and Commodore Clarke. (A copy is attached in the Document folder)
“Some reasons for the existence of Squadron and National Boards” written by Commodore Robert Hardie, National Board Adviser and Vice Commodore Chris Gillett, N.S.W. Squadron, July 1993.

The Queensland Flotilla Profile, 1993, a pictorial record of Facilities and Operational Resources as a result of over 25 years of commitment to safe boating, compiled by Captain C. Laurie with the assistance of Captain Peter Smith and the Queensland State Council, was presented to National Board members.

The Government of New South Wales awarded AVCGA New South Wales for recognition of their involvement and support in the effort to preserve life and property during the 1994 New Year Statewide Bushfires.
Members of TF1 Executive attended a meeting at Triabunna at the request of Graeme Bellette a former member of QF1 to discuss the formation of a Flotilla in the area. The result of the meeting was the formation of a section of TF1, confirmed by National Commodore Clarke on 23rd February. TF 2 was initially formed at Orford and Triabunna, later expanding into Swansea on the East Coast of Tasmania. Members use their own vessels to provide on water assistance. Radio bases are operated at Orford and Swansea.
3RD MARCH 1994
SeaSafety Award was presented to Rear Commodore John Jewell, North Queensland Squadron for his contribution in arranging SAREX exercises in North Queensland.
Mrs. Croft, VF3 Loch Sport received the SeaSafety Award for providing radio coverage.

25TH MARCH 1994
QF22 Torres Strait Flotilla was granted its Charter.
National Staff Commodore Mike Askey resigned from this position.

25th Nov. 1994 A draft copy of the Accounting Guide compiled by Commodore Barton has been forwarded to all Squadrons. The Accounting Guide was accepted at 18th August 1995 meeting.

A thirty (30) year Long Service Award is to be considered.

A Charter of Operation was granted to TF1 Kettering.

25TH MARCH 1994
A working group to cover Radio was formed. National Commodore Clarke – Nominee and contact with Government and SMA; National Training Commodore Henry – Coordinator; Flotilla Commander Watson Technical Adviser and curriculum development, Vice Captain A. Laurie – Administration/Procedures; Captain C. Laurie- Minutes /Contact Base.
As from 1st January 1995 any recognised training for the Government in Queensland must be produced in CBT format.

The Swearing-In Ceremonies procedures for appointed and elected Officers became a By-Law.

CAPITATION FEES are now $10.

Commodore Clarke had served eight years as National Staff Commodore and is now in his fifth term, (nine years) as National Commodore and is considering standing down from this position.

Consideration is being given to split the North Queensland Squadron into another Squadron because of the number of Flotillas in the Squadron and the distance to travel to attend meetings.

MARCH 1994
QF25 Cape York Flotilla
Was formed in 1994. Robert Mitchell was the first Commander (1994 – 2004) and Gary Wright was Deputy Commander. The Flotilla was sited at Seisia Caravan Park and at the workplace of Gary Wright. QF25 covers the area North to Thursday Island, South West to Skardon River and South East to Shellbourne Bay. Launching ramps are at Seisia Beach and Jacky Jacky River.
The first rescue vessel “Seisia Star” was a 7.6m Aluminum mono hull powered by 2 x 120hp Evinrude outboards. The next vessel was a 7m. Stinger “Talisman” powered by 2 x 70hp Yamaha outboards.

In 2005, Jeffrey Aniba, Deputy Chairman of Seisia Council was appointed Commander with Gary Wright as Deputy. QF25 is currently operational with a combination of AVCGA and SES members and two skippers and crews are always ready to provide assistance. A new 6m Cairns Custom Craft Longboat with 2 x 60hp Mercury engines named “Siga-Thoora” which means ‘to see or search in the distance’ will be launched in April 2006. A project to erect a building with SES is in the planning stage with $80,000 already allocated and a site provided by Seisia Council.

MAY 1994
National Commodore Clarke officiated at the launching of QF5 “Noosa Waters”.
Royal New Zealand Coastguard Federation International Conference- Commodore Henry presented a paper on training and an outline of the AVCGA. He was accompanied by Commodore Clarke and Captain M. Wilson.
Larry Ward and Tony McMillan both received the SeaSafety Award.
Qf4 Caloundra celebrated its twenty (20) years anniversary.
QF5 Noosa celebrated its twenty (20) years anniversary.
TF5 Tamar Flotilla
Was formed as a result of advertising shown on Southern Cross Network TV with thirteen interested persons attending the first meeting. Commander Watson TF1 attended the meeting. The first vessel was a 15.5ft Aluminum De Havilland dinghy with a 25hp Mercury outboard used for training.
The Commissioning of their new rescue vessel “Tamar Alliance” was conducted by Deputy National Commodore Archbold in January 1997,

30TH MAY 1995
A Squadron was in Formation in Tasmania
3RD JUNE 1995
Life Member Peter Swan, a member of VF1 Frankston was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his services to the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard. Peter is the longest serving member of our Association having joined in the very early days in August 1961. (Copy of Citation in History documents File No 1.)
JULY 1995
MEMBERSHIP of the Association totaled 10914 representing 2628 Regular and 8286 Associate.
JULY 1995
The election of two female members to the position of Flotilla Commander (Lucille Jackley) and Flotilla Vice Commander ((Lorelle Wilton) in QF9 Cairns is probably a first in our Association.
TF4 Hobart and Tasmania Squadron
Was formed in 1995 and is based in the Tasmania Squadron Headquarters, (the Graham Clarke Facility) located on the foreshore of the Royal Hobart Regatta Ground, on the Queens Domain, Hobart and is the Training Flotilla. TF4 operates a Volunteer Marine Radio Station mainly for special events and in cases of emergency.
18TH AUGUST 1995
Vale – Vice Commodore Bill McPherson, National Supply Officer.
Captain Geary appointed National Supply Officer and was sworn in as such.

Airlie Beach Flotilla was disbanded 1st September 1995.

The National Policy on Work Place Health and Safety and Social Harassment and the Law was accepted. It was considered that this should be included in the Seaman 11 course.

18TH AUGUST 1995
The Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) was established. The New South Wales Squadron has pledged support in the form of crews and vessels from every Flotilla which will be present and actively involved in a number of support roles. Two representatives, Malcolm Wilson and Frank Geary were appointed to liaise on the Committee.
(A large amount of documentation including charts, books, pamphlets, Waterways Agreement with AVCGA, correspondence etc, forms part of the Archives.)
Recognition of the 15-year period of service to the Association is to be considered, also for five year and twenty-five year service. Certificate accepted.
Consideration to be given to producing a perpetual Year Card for Life Members.
VF12 Sandringham chartered as a Specialist Flotilla.

It was suggested that a section be set aside prior to National Board meetings for Squadron Staff Captains to be briefed by the National Staff Commodore and the Squadron Rear Commodores by the National Training Commodore. Consideration also be given to the organisation of a separate conference for attendance by Squadron Staff Captains, Vice Commodores and Rear Commodores and Public Relations Officers in order that such officers may attend workshops conducted by the relevant National Officers and such conference to be conducted annually at a mutually agreed, relatively central location.
Refer to page 29 Motion 19 of minutes dated 18th August 1995.

NF 14 Port Kembla was reclassified as a Specialist Flotilla.

CAPITATION FEES to be increased by an extra $10 from July 1996.

The Mission Statement and Strategic Objectives as outlined by the National Public Relations Officer M. Wilson was accepted.

The Patrol Officer badge is to be replaced with the SAR Control badge. It was later confirmed that the Patrol Officer rating will be retained as well as the SAR controller and the SAROPS patch.

Life Membership of the Association was awarded to Frank Carter and B. Crittenden QF9 Cairns. A posthumous Award of Life Membership was made to Commodore Bill Macpherson.

A Training Seminar was held in Sydney chaired by National Training Commodore Bill Henry. Guest speakers were Alistair Mitchell, AYF and Dick Tucker Manager State Rescue Board of New South Wales.
29TH MARCH 1996
A National Administration /Accounting Seminar was held, chaired by Commodore Barton.
A 30 year Long Service Award as per a sample presented by Captain Geary was accepted. The Award to be a gold anchor and laurel wreath.

The Protocol Handbook is to be dedicated to the late Dr. Robert Hardie.

There has always been a capitation fee of $5 for Cadets.

QF24 Thirsty Sound was granted a Charter.

QF23 Cardwell received its Charter

QF19 Rockhampton granted its Charter

Central Queensland Squadron granted its Charter

A Life Membership pin is to be considered.

The Charter for Central Queensland Squadron was re-instated March 1996.

The First Aid badge is to be removed from all uniforms. It is no longer permissible to wear this badge.

Proposed formation of a Flotilla at Lockhart River, North Queensland.

QF23 Cardwell
Received its Charter.30th March 1996. Area of operation is north to Murray River and south to Ramsey Bay, Hinchinbrook Island. New Operations Centre opened.
29TH MARCH 1996
Application for Charter for QF19 Rockhampton was made.
MARCH 1996
Flotilla VF14 Lake Eildon was withdrawn.
13TH APRIL 1996
Commissioning and blessing of Iluka/Yamba rescue vessel “Sunshine”.
12TH MAY 1996
QF6 Mooloolaba celebrated its 20th Anniversary Milestone.
2ND JUNE 1996
Official opening of the new Headquarters for QF15 Innisfail.
JUNE 1996
The first female Commander of QF12 Tully, Janice Craze, was elected.
13TH JULY 1996
QF17 Tin Can Bay Flotilla celebrated its 20th Anniversary.
Vale – National Commodore Bill Henry, National Training Commodore.
A Commissioning Ceremony carried out by Deputy National Commodore Ian Archbold was held at TF3 Devonport to officially receive TF3s 16ft. half cabin Bell Boy as an AVCGA vessel.
An approach was made to the Tasmania Squadron by Neville Barnes of Becheno on the East Coast of Tasmania offering the facilities of his radio base with accommodation to AVCGA. The offer was accepted. Arrangements were made with National Commodore Clarke for registration of TF6 Becheno in December 1996. Unfortunately in July 1997 Mr. Barnes passed away.
Commodore John Pearson was appointed National Board Adviser.
Vice Captain Allan Laurie was appointed coordinator of the National Radio Committee. The committee consists of National Commodore Clarke, Chairman, Captain Laurie coordinator, Commodore Watson as Technical Officer, Ron Jenkins as Adviser and Captain C. Laurie as Staff and contact base.
Ron Jenkins (Spectrum Management Agency) was appointed Adviser in Radio to the National Association and National Communication Committee.

The ALPHA /NUMERIC system of numbering is to be introduced.

An offer was received to go on the Home Page for inclusion on the Internet. Commodore Cowie was appointed Web Master for the Association and authorised to set up a Web Site.

The Swearing-In procedures in certificate form were approved.
The development of National Competency Based Standard training is to be implemented.

Life Membership was granted to F. Zappala, QF8 Townsville and H. Barnett, QF8 Townsville.
20 MARCH 1997
VF04 welcomed the first US Warship “USS Reid”, assisted in carrying her crew of VIP’s ashore and was used for two days as a transport vessel. Commander Ziemba complemented Coast Guard in the best recognized way of all – “He Saluted”
30TH JUNE 1997
Four applications for the position of National Training Commodore were received. These were from Vice Commodore Alan O’Neill, New South Wales Squadron; Vice Commodore Peter Barrow, Victoria. Commodore Neil Jones, Central Queensland. C. James Slack, South Queensland. Résumé’s are included in the “ Historical Documents of Interest” folder.
JULY 1997
An Offshore Rescue Flotilla was formed in New South Wales but was disbanded soon after.
Commodore Neil Jones was appointed National Training Commodore.
It was accepted that a Citation, Badge and Plaque be presented to Life Members.

The Seaman 11 Course as standardised by the New South Wales Squadron was presented by Rear Commodore Trish Boath Notes were distributed and a disc was made available to Squadrons.

A move was made to consolidate all aspects of insurance policies into a single package with the aim of acquiring the best cost effective coverage for the Association.

An Insurance Sub Committee was formed with Kingsley Fraser, QF6 and Ian Lavin, QF11 to represent the Association.

The application for Charter for TF3 Devonport/Sorell was approved.

Life Membership was awarded to Maxwell Chester, South Australia, John Stafford and Tom Faruggia North Queensland.

Consideration is to be given to standardizing the types of vessels purchased by the Association with a limit on design and length.
Captain Fiddyment was appointed National Magazine Editor and the first issue of the magazine under his editorship was December 1997, published by Executive Media, Melbourne. It totaled 36 pages and the print run was 3000. The first issue published by the new publishers P & G. Lynch, Palm Beach Queensland was June 1999 with 64 pages and 5000 copies.
Commodore Howland presented National Commodore Clarke with a “larger hammer” a gavel , which was made by a member and presented on behalf of QF9 Cairns.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard and New South Wales Emergency Service was signed.
Victorian Squadron entered into a Sister Service arrangement with the USCG and CG Auxiliary at a function in Melbourne hosted by the American Consul General Tex Harris at the US Consulate Offices.
6TH MARCH 1998
Personal Log Books for Instructional Skills, Sea Time and Radio Operator were distributed by Commodore Jones.
Coast Guard identity numbers are to be standardized using the State, Squadron, Year of joining and the identity number. (e.g.) Kingscliff – 21980001. (State being 2, Squadron 1, year of joining 98 then number.)

The Protocol Handbook is now available and forms part of the By-Laws.

Leisurenet Australia P/L proposed to install Video cameras in Bases for Internet Weather System.

Weather Cam sites to be at Iluka/Yamba, Noosa, Swansea, Ballina and Evans Head.

A certificate will be issued for ten year and twenty year continuous service.

The Victorian Squadron advised the formation of a Sister Service with Team Coast Guard Chicago.

Commodore Chris Gillett was elected National Commodore. Commodore Campbell was elected Deputy National Commodore. Commodore Pearson stood down as National Adviser and Commodore Clarke was appointed to this position.

Commodore Neil Jones, QF11 was granted Life Membership of the Association.

Commodore Bill Barton, New South Wales was granted Life Membership of the Association.

18 APRIL 1998
TF3 Davenport received its Charter.
Proposed Heads of Agreement made between Waterways Authority of NSW, AVCGA and RVCP for the 2000 Olympic Strategic Plan. Commodore Wilson and Deputy Commodore Geary headed the Committee.
Commodore Gillett presented his first report to the Board as National Commodore.
In order to save costs, it was decided to have full National Board meetings on an annual basis, in addition to hold six monthly business meetings with only National Board members in attendance.

Coast Guard Cadets are to be phased out as operational units of the Association and no new enrolments are to be accepted.

Appointments: S. Richardson National Supply Officer, C. Laurie, National Minutes Secretary, A.Henwood, Publicity Officer, K. Fraser, Insurance Officer and P. Fiddyment, National Magazine Editor.

A bid has been made to host the ILF Conference in the year 2003.

Tony Hollis, (South Australia) was granted permission to use the AVCG Logo on the inside cover of his Coastal Navigation Book.
Rear Commodore Trish Sinclair was appointed State Training Co-Ordinator for New South Wales.

The Officers Guide Book is now available from Commodore Holmes.
Life Membership awarded to Commodore Musolino, South Australia and Commodore Alan Carter (Posthumous), Southern New South Wales.

A Radio Base only was established at Malacoota.
The introduction of the Victorian Youth Development Program (School Cadets).

10TH APRIL 1999
The National Board minutes are to be sent via e-mail.
10TH APRIL 1999
A discussion paper was presented by Commodore Holmes outlining the requirements of a suitable person in each state to act as an Administration co-ordinator and liaise with the National Staff Commodore.
A posthumous Award of “AM” was made to Mr. Ted Maddon, Victoria. Doug Dufty, Northern New South Wales received the “OAM”

Preliminary arrangements are being made for a Pan Pacific conference.

The National Medal was recognized. Criteria is for a member to have completed fifteen years accumulated service with the Association and maintain training levels to perform the primary functions of the Association.
Captain Brenda Smith was appointed National Supply Officer.

A working committee was formed to report to the next National Board meeting with draft material and policy for implementation for raising funds through Bequests and Legacies. Committee consists of DNC Campbell, Commodores Wilson, Huxley and Mr. Smith.

NF7 Shellharbour was granted its Charter of Operation.

SAF 3, SAF 4 and SAF 7 are no longer active and their respective Charters are withdrawn.

The Queensland State Council distributed a Profile of Resources, 1998 Other Squadrons were asked to produce a similar profile to enable a National document to be produced. This would prove invaluable in negotiations with Government, their agencies, sponsors, other organisations and international bodies

2000 - 2009
8TH APRIL 2000
A Memorandum of Understanding between Australian Customs Service and the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard was formalised Commodore Gillett signed the MOU on behalf of the Association.. Representatives of the Australian Customs Service attending the National meeting were Phil Pariggio, Regional Manager; David Marshall, Chief Inspector; John Manion, National Co-ordinator; Peter Clarke, Community Participation Programs.

The Constitution, By-Laws and Members Guide are being re-written.

8TH APRIL 2000
Discussion ensued on the formation of an Australian Coast Guard if Labour Government were in office.
JULY 2000
SAF10 Port Vincent Coast Guard
Port Vincent is a small seaside town situated on the eastern shore of Yorke Peninsula 193kms west of Adelaide. In 1984, local resident Peter Wilkinson volunteered to take on the task of boat skipper in conjunction with the local Coast Guard Radio Base operator, later taking over the role of operator of the radio base. A Flotilla was formed to service the towns of Ardrossan (SAF9), Port Vincent and Stansbury (Oyster Bay). Because of logistical problems with travel, training etc. a new Flotilla. SAF10 was formed on 14th August 2000 with four members, two radio bases and the use of member’s boats to provide a mantel of safety for local and visiting boaties. The first elected Flotilla Commander was Peter Wilkinson, Vice Commander was Brent Wellington and Ken Osterstoack was appointed Staff Officer.

In November 2001 the State Board of the Association provided the Flotilla with a second-hand 5.4m Baron fiberglass runabout named “Albatross”.

With assistance from the District Council of Yorke Peninsula a suitable site was made available for their building. . Members immediately started fund raising to obtain their own building to house their equipment. Further assistance from the Government and Emergency Services enabled the building to be completed, the purchase of a new rescue vessel and funds were made available to purchase a suitable tow vehicle On 21st July 2001, the W.N. Henry Cup for “Most Improved Flotilla” was awarded to SAF10.

SAF10 Port Vincent became a fully chartered member of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard on 14th September 2001. . The Flotilla is now under the command of Commander Brent Wellington who in December 2003 was presented with a “Ministerial Commendation” for Meritorious Effort in developing the Port Vincent Coast Guard To celebrate the completion of the building and the arrival of the new rescue craft, a 7.4mClayton Gallant with Volvo Penta Diesel motor, named “Orontes Star” dedication ceremonies were held in Port Vincent on 5th March 2005. Deputy Mayor of Yorke Peninsula Mr. Ray Agnew, OAM, officially opened the facility. Mrs. Mary Kelsey, widow of a past member, named the vessel.

A meeting was held with the Australian Seaplane Pilots Association and a MOA was agreed to.
QF26 Lake Tinaroo known as “Heaven’s Flotilla
Lake Tinaroo, a 14km drive from Atherton and an hour and a half drive from Cairns is the latest Flotilla to join the North Queensland Squadron.. The Lake is the highest Flotilla in Australia being some 2,300 feet above sea level.

Commander Bob Harvey and his wife Brunetta joined Coast Guard in 1990 and were founding members of QF16 Cooktown. In July 2000 they moved to Atherton and were approached by the Queensland State Council to do a feasibility study on the formation of a new Flotilla to operate on Lake Tinaroo. With strong support from the local community a public meeting was held in November 2000 with a view to signing up enough members to form a Flotilla, the initial sign up of fifteen (15) members being enough to form the Flotilla.

The Flotilla vessel, “Maxi Webb” a 5.4m centre console Stacer with a 50hp Yamaha and in 2d survey was transferred from Cooktown Flotilla and operates weekends, all public holidays and when required. Members travel regularly to Cairns for blue water training and operation training. QF26 Tinaroo joins Rockhampton, Lake Illawarra, Lake Epiloch and Hume Weir as Flotillas operating on inland waterways. Membership hovers around twenty (20) members. The Flotilla Charter signed by National Commodore Gillett and Commodore Millican was presented by National Commodore Gillett to Commander Harvey on 17th April 2004.

The Coast Guard Conference 2001 was cancelled. New date was set for March 2002.

A motion was moved that the South Australian Group take whatever steps are necessary to amalgamate the activities of the Group with the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc forthwith.

The National Medal is now available for eligible members.

Commodore Graham Clarke received the ESM June 2000.
Captain Peter Fiddyment, National Magazine Editor granted Life Membership.

Date for the official opening and commissioning of TF1 Operations Building, Kettering.
28TH APRIL 2001
Development of a National Data Base is being undertaken by Queensland State Council.


Thursday Island Flotilla was taken over by VMR.

Commodore Gillett made application for 166 National Honours Medals and 37 Clasps.

The new Constitution was adopted. This is available on Internet.

The updated By-Laws and Members Guide were adopted. These are on the Internet.

22ND JULY 2001
South Australian Squadron named and commissioned a new patrol vessel “Eagle” CG05 in the presence of the Honourable Robert Brokenshire MP, JP, Minister for Police, Correctional Services and Emergency Service, Mrs. Brokenshire and Deputy National Commodore Tony Holmes. “Eagle is the first vessel ever to be purpose-built for the ACGA in South Australia It is a ‘David Young’ aluminium monohull, 6.8 metres in length powered by 2 x 115hp Johnson Outboards and cost $130,000.00.
State Training Commodore (NSW) Trish Gillett is the representative for Coast Guard at the Emergency Management Australia Conference. (E.M.A.).

Southern New South Wales is undergoing affiliation negotiations with the Jet Boat division of the Kiama Branch of the Surf Lifesaving Association.

The Squadron of the 4th District of the Philippines Coast Guard Association formed an alliance with the Victorian Squadron, similar to that of the Royal New Zealand Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Application for SAF8 Port Augusta and SAF10 Port Vincent were presented and granted.

The Emergency Management Australia (EMA) a department of the Department of Defence held a joint Summit of Volunteers of the Emergency Services and Recovery Agencies in Canberra. The Summit voted to establish a “Peak Body” to represent the volunteers nationally. AEMVF was formed on 11th April 2002.

Commander John Jewell, NF9 Cairns was granted Life Membership of the Association.

26TH APRIL 2002
A repeater station has been installed on the mountains behind Lockhart River Community which will be monitored by the local Police Officers and will provide much better coverage north of Cooktown almost to the top. The licence has been granted by ACA.
27TH APRIL 2002
The date for the amalgamation of SA Squadron with the National Association is expected to be 1st January 2003. It was confirmed in the minutes dated 11th April 2003 that the South Australian Squadron be established.

SAF11 was formed.

Commodore Graham Clarke stood down as National Board Adviser.

George McBean, Central Queensland was granted Life Membership of the Association.

Commodore Vince Williams, South Australia was granted Life Membership of the Association.
South Australia amalgamated with the National Body.
1ST JULY 2003
SAF 1, 2, 5 amalgamated.
10TH AUGUST 2003
Memorandum of Understanding – Tasmanian Police, RVCP (Tasmania) and Tasmania Squadron.
Port Kembla celebrated its 20th Anniversary.
Second NATRAC (National Training Review and Advisory Committee).
National Marine Safety Council conference in Sydney. Commodore Gillett delivered a paper entitled “The Development of Professional Training of Volunteers in Marine Rescue”.
AFAC (Australian Fire Authorities Council) meeting with ATO (Australian Tax Office) held in Melbourne.
North Queensland Squadron advised that a proposal had been made to have two Squadrons formed in North Queensland.
Captain M. O’Connor was appointed National Magazine Editor following the death of Captain Fiddyment.

Formation of a combined Unit with the SES at QF25 Seisia is being considered.

Captain Dick Gandy, Master Mariner and author of one of the text books that is recommended for our Coast Guard Courses, “Australian Boating Manual” was appointed our new Honorary Commodore.

Two Workshops were held during the National Board meeting – Discipline Protocols chaired by NACO Gillett and Business Plan Towards 2007 (Vision Statement, Mission Statement and the Team).

Captain Con Laurie was appointed the Association Archivist.

Commodore Keith Garth, New South Wales was granted Life Membership of the Association.

Commander Keith Dowd QF1 Southport was granted Life Membership of the Association.

Victorian Squadron signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Emergency Services.
Commodore Neil Jones stood down form the position of National Training Commodore.

The National Training Review and Advisory Committee (NATRAC) was formed. Members of the Committee are DSCO P. Gillett, DSCO R. Tyler, STCO R. Hood and AC P. Smith.

16TH APRIL 2004
Election of Officers. Commodore Gillett was elected NACO. Commodore Holmes was elected DNACO.
M. McCombie was appointed NADCO. The first female National Training Commodore was appointed – NATCO Patricia Gillett.

The Administration and Accounting Handbook is now in two manuals. The Administration is covered by National Administration Orders and Finance is covered by the National Accounting Guide. Both manuals are By-Laws.

The Discipline Protocols document was accepted as a By-Law.

A salaried position for Alan Hopkins, Victorian Squadron, for a period of six months, fully funded by the Victorian State and Federal Governments involving the movement of Victorian Squadron into the Department of Emergency Services was ratified.

16TH APRIL 2004
A constitutional review committee was formed with SCO’s Vosti, Ryan and NADCO McCombie to review the constitution and report to the National Board.

QF26, Lake Tinaroo Flotilla was granted its Charter.

NATCO Patricia Gillett distributed copies of the NATRAC Report and an AEMVF National Employer Recognition Certificate to Board members

Commander Gus Kreffer, NF17 was granted Life Membership of the Association.

17TH APRIL 2004
Three Workshops were held – Recruitment, Retention and Recognition of members chaired by DNACO Holmes.

Future Directions chaired by NACO Gillett.
Leadership chaired by NADCO McCombie.
Details of results will be advised at the next National Board meeting.

Freer Parker, Adelaide was appointed Auditors of National Board Accounts. KPMG were appointed; Auditors to consolidate the Associations audits to an Association Consolidated Audit.

DSC Dalling, South Australia, was the first female Deputy Squadron Commodore to .sit at the Board table.

Life membership was awarded to Gus Kreffer, NF17 Iluka/Yamba.
Substantive Rank of Commander was awarded to Neil Jones QF19 Rockhampton, Len Franz QF17 Tin Can Bay and to Peter McNally, VF02 St. Kilda.
Distinguished Award for Training was awarded to Neil Jones, QF19 and to Robin Hood QF5 Noosa.
Alan J. Robb, VF9 Queensland was awarded Patrol Officer.

A milestone has been achieved with two ladies, (viz. NATCO Patricia Gillett and DSCO Cheryl Dalling ) sitting as voting members of the National Board for the first time in the Association’s History.

18TH APRIL 2004
Commissioning of vessel at Kingscliff by NACO Gillett.
30TH APRIL 2004
Tim Pascoe became South Australia’s first forty (40) year member. Tim did his PIC course on 30th April 1964 which was conducted by Bill Henry.
1ST MAY 2004
Commissioning of vessel at Mooloolaba by NACO Gillett.
29TH JUNE 2004
Commissioning of vessel at St. Kilda by NACO Gillett.
2ND JULY 2004
Presentation of Charter to QF26 Tinaroo by NACO Gillett.
3RD JULY 2004
Commissioning of vessel at QF15 Innisfail by NACO Gillett.
13TH AUGUST 2004
RVCP ceasing operations in Tasmania and closing its bases. The State Government would prefer to deal with one VMR unit and Coast Guard is the preferred unit.
21ST AUGUST 2004
Commissioning of vessel at QF16 Cooktown by NACO Gillett.
Commissioning of vessel at QF1 Southport by NACO Gillett.
Commissioning of vessel at TF2 Swansea by NACO Gillett.
New Radio Base opened at Dunalley (Lower East Coast) Tasmania.
Charter was granted to SAF 11 Kangaroo Island.
Charter was granted to TF2 Swansea.

Tasmania became a fully chartered Squadron. Commodore Peter Monty became the first Tasmania Squadron Commodore to have full voting rights on National Board.

A draft of the updated Accounting Guide was presented by NADCO McCombie

The National Board adopted the proposal that a common auditor be appointed to satisfy the requirements of providing a consolidated audit of the association’s affairs.

Seven new Flotillas were formed in Victoria – VF16 Warrnambool, VF17 Portland, VF18 Lakes Entrance, VF19 Port Albert, VF20 Port Welshpool, VF21 Marlo, VF22 Paynesville.

Integration of new Flotillas Portland and Warrnambool into Victorian Squadron and the joining of bases from Marlo, Lakes Entrance, Paynesville and Port Albert

VF16 Warrnambool was formed in early 2004 with 24 paid up members. Their headquarters is a derelict house, gratis by the local Council, renovated by the members and one room fitted out as a radio room.

VF17 Portland was instituted from the result of a number of Community meetings requiring a Rescue service with a larger vessel to cover the notorious Bass Strait. The Flotilla started with a 6 metre vessel loaned from the Squadron.

The proposal to increase Capitation fees to $33.00.
VRA Affiliation
The Volunteer Rescue Association in N.S.W. was admitted as an Affiliated Organisation under Clause 74 of the AVCGA constitution. (To be approved by National Board at the next regular meeting).

Squadrons and Flotillas were asked to appoint an Historian to compile information for their respective units.

Two workshops were held – Protocol for a Paid Position for Coast Guard Members and a Policy on Associate Members.

Life Membership was awarded to Percy John Lloyd QF14 and Bob Domotor QF11. Distinguished Service Awards to Ian Baker NF4 and Steve Stranks NF4; Meritorious Service Award to Jim Wickerson QF12.

Commodore Ryan advised that he is standing down as Commodore of Sunshine Coast Squadron.

Commodore Cowie resigned from the Association.

Commissioning of rescue vessel at NF4 Port Hacking by NACO Gillett

North Queensland Squadron held its 130th meeting at QF14 Ingham.
Commander (S) Percy Lloyd NM, DSA received Life Membership, the Associations highest national honour by Deputy National Commodore Tony Holmes.
5TH APRIL 2005
EMA meeting held in Canberra with 25 Coast Guard delegates present.
8TH APRIL 2005
The first time a meeting of National Board was held in Canberra at the Crown Plaza Hotel and hosted by the National Board.
8TH APRIL 2005
A momentous occasion when Commodore Ron Isaacs, VRA Chairman, New South Wales, was welcomed to the Board and asked to take his place at the Board table. The VRA affiliated with Coast Guard on 6th November 2004 and was accepted at this meeting.

The AVCGA Web site is to be further developed and upgraded. Captain Eriksen advised that Vice Captain Andrew Hunter (Vic) and Vice Captain Moya (Nth NSW) had been welcomed to the IT field

The first Consolidated Audit report was presented. By NADCO McCombie

CAPITATION FEES RAISED FROM $20 TO $30. A new By Law has been written.

Commodore Wilson, New South Wales State Council, was awarded Life Membership.
Distinguished Award, Administration to former SCO Terry Ryan.
Distinguished Award Operations to Marcus Grimblat, Andrew Robb, Darrin Pearce, Frank Egan, and Gary Tomlins of the Victorian Squadron for the development of their vessel tracking system.

Three presentations were given. MOB I-lert by Mr. John Smith, Sea Safe personal Location & Search ,Receiver by SCO Vosti and Vessel Tracking System by Commander (Sub) Grumblat and Commander Robb, Victorian Squadron.

18TH JUNE 2005
NF1 Port Jackson Flotilla had both rescue vessels commissioned and named at their Birkenhead Point Marina. National Commodore Chris Gillett commissioned the vessels and the State Member for Drummoyne, Angela D’Amore, named the vessels.

The vessels are 8m Marlin Broadbill catamarans – CG 011 “Garry Kiely” powered by two 120 hp Mercruiser diesels was named after a retired member who was responsible for raising many thousands of dollars for the Flotilla. CG 012 “Drummer” has two 150hp Honda outboards and carries the name which has been handed from boat to boat after the Flotilla’s first owned vessel. Both vessels are in NSW Maritime 2C survey.

Members from Port Vincent Coast Guard together with Squadron Commodore Dalling and Training
Commodore Keith Dalling were privileged to be shown over HMAS Canberra and taken for a trip out of the Harbour. The trip came about when the Navy PR Officer saw an article in the press on SAF10 winning the Canberra Shield for the third consecutive year as the “Most Efficient Flotilla” in South Australia.
Deputy National Commodore Tony Holmes produced the September 2005 “Coastguard” magazine.
Commodores Yorston, Crighton and President Bill Carter VRA attended their first National Board meeting as voting members.

Work uniforms for vessel crews were adopted. Shirts in light blue or navy blue worn with navy blue shorts or trousers or skirts. A new ladies shirt has been approved.
A navy blue jacket has been added to the basic blue/white uniform for special/formal uniform occasions.

Additional internal honours and their associated ribbons were introduced to recognize operational hours of both on water and radio base service.

Substantive Rank is to be identified by wearing a different coloured name badge.

The SAROPS qualification is to be recognised by wearing the appropriate red circlet on hardboards and by wearing a new SAROPS patch.

Consideration is being given to re-introducing the Vessel Examination programme.

Honda Marine has been selected as the AVCGA sponsors in place of Yamaha.

A proposal from Telstra for a consolidated accounts system was accepted in principle.

The first Association Consolidated Audited Accounts will be submitted to the ACT Registrar General before 31st December 2005.

KPMG has been engaged as the Auditors for Association accounts for the year 2006.

NACO Gillett and NATCO Gillett attended the ILF conference in Pool, UK; the USC Aux and a National Conference in Orlando, Florida

Malcolm Wilson ESM JP was appointed National Captain for special projects and research.

Brian Hale from the Sunshine Coast was appointed National Captain as National Magazine Editor.

Substantive Rank of Flotilla Commander was granted to Lawrence Baker NF9, Mark Galloway NF3.
Ray Kelly SAF1, Ted McCarter QF11 and Harry Stibbard NF10 (posthumous).
Substantive Rank of Deputy Squadron Commodore granted to John Griffiths NF14.
Substantive Rank of National Captain granted to Albert Henwood SAF1.
Gold Award granted to Steve Fleming QF2.

Life Membership was awarded to Keith Brooks, VF6.

Patrol Officer granted to David Dodds NF3, Peter Barrow VF8 and Tracy Atkinson VF8 Distinguished Award granted to John Aldridge, Sth. New South Wales.

Distinguished Association Award granted to Robert James, NSW and Bill Weatherhog, QF1.


Vale Captain Brenda Smith, National Stores Officer passed away.

A Memorandum of Understanding was entered into between the Tasmania Police (TASPOL) and the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association, Tasmanian Squadron.

The eight Flotillas in Tasmania are Kettering, Swansea, Devonport/Port Sorell, Hobart, Tamar, St. Helens, Ulverstone, Dodges Ferry.

21ST APRIL 2006
National Board meeting held in Adelaide at the Majestic Hotel.

DNACO Holmes presented his last report as deputy National Commodore to National Board.

The New South Wales Squadron, the founding Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Squadron in New South Wales was issued with an amended Charter on 21st April 2006 and is now known as the Sydney Squadron. The NSW Squadron name was rendered inaccurate and inappropriate for the state once a second Squadron was formed in Southern NSW and a third Squadron was formed in Northern NSW. Commodore Robards is privileged to have the unique experience of being Commodore to both the historic NSW Squadron and the Sydney Squadron.

The International Life Boat Federation name has change to International Maritime Rescue Federation.

AVCGA Environmental Statement produced by NACO Gillett and DNACO Homes was adopted.

22ND APRIL 2006
The Memorandum of Understanding agreement with Honda Australia and the AVCGA was signed.

Captain Peter Matthews was appointed National Stores Officer following the passing of Brenda Smith.

Chris Gillett was re-elected as National Commodore.

Tony Holmes was appointed to the position of National Board Adviser.

Captain Alan Morton (South Queensland Squadron) was appointed National Administration Commodore

Trish Gillett was re-appointed National Training Commodore.

NADCO Mark McCombie stood down from his position as Administration Commodore.

SCO’s David Morgan and Frank Millican are not standing for re-election as Commodores.

Substantive Rank of Commander was awarded to Brad Duck (QF9 Cairns) Robyn Bryant (QF15 Innisfail).
Substantive Rank of Commodore awarded to Ken Bromback (QF6 Mooloolaba).
Distinguished Awards were presented to SCO Morgan (NF17 Iluka) and FC. Brad Duck (QF9 Cairns).
Patrol Officer rating was granted to STC K. Dalling (SAF1) and DSC Bret Wellington (SAF1).

A copy of a proposed Offshore Tracking Sheet which is being used by the Northern New South Wales Squadron was distributed to the Board members for comment.

Flotillas which form the Victorian Squadron. VF1 Frankston, VF2 St Kilda, VF4 Hastings, VF5 Lake Eppalock, VF6 Safety Beach, VF7 Currum, VF8 Geelong, VF9 Queenscliff, VF10 Werribee, VF11 Lake Hume, VF12 Sandringham, VF15 Mallacoota, VF16 Warrnambool, VF17 Portland, VF18 Lakes Entrance, VF19 Port Albert, VF20 Port Welshpool, VF21 Marlo, VF22 Paynesville.

Richard Burgess was appointed co-0rdinator for the Gippsland area. VF18,19,20,21,22.

History of the National Training Orders and new NTO’s were introduced.

7TH JUNE 2006
Commodore Holmes distributed the Honda Marine – AVCGA National Policy and SOP’s.
Commander (Sub) Foster NF1 and his wife Jane Foster were awarded NSW Maritime Awards for Maritime Safety and Community
Vale: Commodore Malcolm Wilson ESM JP, Life Member, passed away. Ministerial Statements from the Legislative Council are held in the Archive files.
NACO Gillett and NBA Tony Holmes presented a paper on the “Future of Marine Radio” at the National Marine Safety Committee Conference.
A major change took place in the Southern New South Wales Squadron. NF16 Bermagui became a RVCP unit and Wollongong RVCP unit became an AVCGA Flotilla. The vessel belonging to NF16 Bermagui was relocated to Wollongong Harbour for use by AVCGA Wollongong Flotilla.
17/19TH NOVEMBER 2006
National Board meeting was held in Hobart, Tasmania for the second time, the last meeting being in 1994.

Mark McCombie, former NADCO was appointed Deputy National Commodore until the next elections.

Two new Squadron Commodores who were elected since the last National Board meeting were welcomed. Commodore Peter Campton, Northern New South Wales and Commodore Alan Seib, North Queensland.
This was the first meeting when all the National Attached Officers were in attendance – Captains Laurie, Archivist, Eriksen, National IT, Nikolich, Marketing/PR, Fraser, National Insurance, Moya, Webmaster. Hale, National Magazine.
A new National Stores Officer Don Young, from QF2 Brisbane was appointed, because of the resignation of P. Matthews.

KPMG, Honda, ACN Telco, presentations were given.

Charters were granted to TF4 Hobart, TF5 Tamar, TF6 ST. Helens, TF7 Ulverstone.

Charters were granted to VF15 Malacoota, (Specialist Radio Flotilla), VF19 Lakes Entrance, VF21 Port Arthur, VF22 Paynesville.

An agreement has been signed with Noorah Head Search and Rescue Boat Club and Terrigal Sea Rescue Service and the Sydney Squadron to commence the establishment of AVCGA Flotillas.

  • Life membership was awarded to Ron Tyler, QF17 Tin Can Bay.
  • Life membership was awarded to Bruce Bell, NF2 Botany Bay.
  • Life membership was awarded to Jon Colless, QF8, Townsville.
  • Substantive Rank of Squadron Commodore was granted to Frank Millican, QF8 Townsville.
  • Substantive Rank of Flotilla Commander was granted to Reg. Felhlaber, QF24 Thirsty Sound.
  • Substantive Rank of Squadron Commodore granted to David Morgan, NF17 Iluka/Yamba
  • Substantive Rank of Squadron Training Commodore granted to Kevin Thompson, NF10 Ballina
  • Distinguished Association Awards granted to Alf Nord, QF24; Thirsty Sound Commodore Don Lay QF6; Mooloolaba; Kingsley Fraser QF3.Redcliffe.
  • Distinguished Service Training Award granted to Glen McMahon NF2 Botany Bay.
  • Distinguished Service Operations Award granted to Keith Martin QF 21Sandy Straits.
  • Patrol Officer Ratings awarded to Bruce Corkhill SAF1, Ray Kelly SAF1 and Steve Stranks NF4
17/19TH NOVEMBER 2006
New work uniform as displayed in the Corporate Marketing package produced by Capt. Nikolich was accepted.

SuperCharge Batteries Pty Ltd have agreed to sponsor AVCGA to the tune of $20,000 per year for the supply of batteries to all Flotillas for the next two years

All Coast Guard Officers are to use the Coast Guard email address.

The National Archives material is now available on the Coast Guard Website. A Photograph Gallery has also been included which will allow Flotillas to maintain their own photo album.

Commissioning of TF1 vessel “Bendigo 1”by NACO Gillett.
QF19 Rockhampton launching of their new vessel and will be commissioned by NACO Gillett.
13TH APRIL 2007
National Board meeting was held in Melbourne at Ridges on the Hill.
14TH APRIL 2007
A Special General meeting was held on Saturday 14th April 2007 to consider changes to the Constitution and address technical anomalies between the Australian Volunteer Cdoast Guarde Association constitution and the Australian Incorporation Act.

Commodore Gillett provided a brief précis of Audit Options as discussed with NADCO Alan Morton who was unable to be present at the meeting.

A Honda presentation was given by Chris Nes, Manager for Victoria, South Australia and western Australia.

NBA Tony Holmes presented the Statistics for 2006 together with a comparison of the 2003, 2004, 2005 statistics.

NATCO Gillett presented an NTO update and distributed copies of NTO’s, By-Law 1.15 together with a CD to Board members.

A report on the establishment of the Victorian Radio Operators Repeater Network was given by Richard Burgess.

A discussion Workshop to try to standardise the Associate Member Scheme was held.. The meeting split into four groups, each group presenting their findings. The information will be collated and distributed to members.

NATCO Gillett presented a brief summary of the AEMVF survey held in Canberra April 2005

The Southern New South Wales Squadron changed its name to “Illawarra” Squadron.

Charter was granted to VF20 Port Welshpool

Captain Kingsley Fraser advised that he was standing down as Insurance Officer for the Association having held the position since 1996.

Major SAREX exercises funded by a grant from the National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund through Emergency Management Australia have commenced with North Queensland Squadron engaging in an intensive night and day operation with vessels from Cairns, Townsville, Tully, Ingham, Cardwell and SES members.

South Queensland Squadron held its SAREX exercises with vessels from Southport, Brisbane, Redcliffe Redland Bay and other emergency service agencies on 23rd March 2007.

  • Association Distinguished Award to John Hay, QF5 Noosa.
  • Substantive Rank of Flotilla Commander to Lawrence Baker, NF9 Swansea.
  • Substantive Rank of Flotilla Commander to Richard Osborne, NF11, Port Stephens.
  • Substantive Rank of Squadron Commodore to Barry Semple, QF11 Yeppoon.
1ST-3RD JUNE 2007
Sunshine Coast Squadron, under the leadership of Commodore Don Lay held a successful SAREX with funding granted by Emergency Management Australia. The aim of the exercise was to give members of the AVCGA Sunshine Coast Squadron experience in Command and Control at all levels; Radio Operations; Search techniques; Recovery of personnel and objects at sea; Cooperation with other VMR and Emergency Service Organisations and Identify lessons to be learnt.
NATRAC meeting held at Kingscliff Flotilla. Report given by NATCO Gillett.
National Board meeting held at Ridges Bankstown, Sydney.

The Gippsland Squadron in Victoria was formed with Richard Burgess elected as Commodore. A State Council was also formed.

Constitutional changes were accepted and were to be submitted to the Registrar General, ACT.

“Stabicraft” patrol vessel presentation given by Leon Johnson, Sales Manager Australia.

  • Association Distinguished Award to Ken Bromback QF6 and David Dixon QF21.
  • Substantive Rank- Commodore – to Terry Ryan QF4.
  • Substantive Rank – Commander – to David Dixon QF21.
  • Commodores Gold Award to Greg Winn QF4.
  • Life Membership Award to Marcus Grinblat VF1 and Ron Doyle NF8.
18TH APRIL 2008
National Board meeting was held at “Salt” Kingscliff. Northern New South Wales.

Sunseeker Yacht presentation given by Richard Cunningham. A mutual relationship was established between Coast Guard and Sunseeker Yachts.

Commodore (Sub) Terry Ryan, liaison officer with Telstra gave a presentation re Telstra Accounts.

Captain Milan Nikolich distributed a national Style Guide CD and a promotional DVD.

  • Commodore’s Gold Award to Bill Drochmann.
  • Substantive Rank Flotilla Commander to Helen Greaves QF16, Robert King QF13, Jean Brake VF1, Craig Watson VF7, Raoul Shermer VF6.
  • Distinguished Awards – Association to Captain Kris Eriksen NF3, Captain Brian Hale QF6.
  • Captain Milan Nikolich NF2, Captain Connie Laurie QF7.
  • Distinguished Awards – Administration to Captain Don Young QF2, Captain Brian Chu QF2, DNACO Mark McCombie QF9, NADCO Alan Morton QF2.
  • NATCO Trish Gillett NF3, Flotilla Commander (S) Helen Greaves QF16.
  • Distinguished Awards – Operation to Ray Wilkinson QF20, Kevin Prizeman QF20, Darryl Prizeman (QF20), William Drochmann QF20, Brian Sampson QF1.
The National Executive, NACO Chris Gillett, DNACO Mark McCombie, NADCO Alan Morton and NATCO Trish Gillett all stood down from their respective positions and tabled their last report. A copy of the report from NATCO Chris Gillett which was delivered to the National Board Mess Dinner at Kingscliff on 19th April 2008 appears as an attachment in the “Other Items of Interest section of the Archives.”

New By-Laws relating to electronic situations in the IT area presented by Captain Eriksen were accepted.

KPMG were appointed as National Auditors for the 2008 financial year.

Elections for the position of National Commodore and Deputy National Commodore were held.
Commodore Ray Campbell was elected National Commodore and Commodore Frank Robards was elected Deputy National Commodore. Commodore Chris Gillett duly swore in both the newly elected Officers and presented them with their Insignia of Rank.

Appointed Officers are Bob Mellor NATCO, Peter Smith NADCO, Alan Morton NABA, Captain IT Kris Eriksen, Captain National Magazine Brian Hale, Captain PR Milan Nikolich, Captain Minutes/Archivist Connie Laurie, Captain National Insurance Kingsley Fraser, Captain Admin Support Brian Chu.

JUNE 2008
Deputy National Commodore Frank Robards commissioned NF7 Shellharbour Flotillas new rescue vessel “Shelly’s Rescue” at a special ceremony.
Commodore Bill Carter became chair of the VMRC and the VMRC representative on the State Rescue Board.
On Sunday 21st September 2008 QF11 Yeppoon held the Naming and Commissioning Ceremony for “Gormans Removals Rescue” their primary rescue vessel a 10m Kevlar Cay powered by two 200hp Suzuki Outboards.
QF24 Thirsty Sound held its official Commissioning Ceremony of “Thirsty Sound Rescue Two”, a Swift Rib inflatable fitted with a 140hp Suzuki Outboard motor. This vessel will be used to cover the waters that are too shallow for the Primary Rescue Vessel.
The National Board meeting was held at Virginia Palms, Brisbane with Commodore Campbell conducting his first meeting as National Commodore. Twenty-one Board members and Thirty-two observers were in attendance.

National Commodore Campbell introduced a Delegation from the Philippines Coast Guard Auxiliary. Vice Admiral Edumzd Alvarez, rear Admiral Higinio (Buddy) Mendoza, Commodore Harold Wolfe, Commodore Matcher Prado and Commodore Pablo Ortega. At the formal dinner held on Saturday evening 22nd November 2008 a Memorandum of Intent was signed between the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc and the Philippines Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Guest presentations were given by CEO Chris Hinch, Track Plus – a Seamless Global Tracking for Land, Sea and Air; Honda Motors, Suzuki Motors and Yamaha.

Coast Guard overalls were modified as a result of the Victoria Squadron entering into a partnership with the Country Fire Service.

The Constitution is to be amended to consider recent changes and to allow for State Governance.

Planning for Change – Maintaining and developing a strong relationship with similar local and International Organisations was agreed upon. A budget to cover International travel purposes was proposed.

An 11-meter tower was donated to QF23 Cardwell and is positioned at Port Hinchinbrook Marina Boat Ramp and will form the basis of a radio operating centre.

Country Fire Authority: The partnership between the Victoria Squadron and the Country Fire Authority has progressed well with all Flotillas in Victoria Squadron now being registered as CFA brigades.

The Victoria Squadron has purchased four Mitsubishi 4×4 Crew Cab trucks for tow vehicles with a 5th one on order.

The repeater network in South Australia has been expanded to include a repeater on Kangaroo Island.

SAF1 North Haven commissioned a 6.7metre Wescraft with twin 115hp motors named “Intrepid”.

SAF11 Kangaroo Island now has a 25ft Shark Cat (ex SA Water Police) and a 4 wheel drive Hino tow vehicle.

  • Life Membership granted to Chris Gillett, Sydney Squadron, Trish Gillett, Sydney Squadron.
  • Leigh Cunningham, South Queensland Squadron, Rosemary Hull, North Queensland Squadron, William Hull, North Queensland Squadron, Ian Short, South Australia Squadron.
  • Substantive Rank, National Commodore – Chris Gillett, Sydney Squadron.
  • Substantive Rank National Training Commodore – Trish Gillett, Sydney Squadron.
  • Substantive Rank Squadron Commodore – Ian Short, South Australia Squadron.
  • Substantive Rank Deputy Squadron Commodore – Alan Seib, North Queensland.
  • Substantive Rank Flotilla Commander Barry Cordwell, Victoria Squadron.
  • Gold Award – Colin Ward, and Vern Bunter South Queensland Squadron.
  • Distinguished Association Award – Alan Seib, North Queensland Squadron and Malcolm Olding, South Queensland Squadron.
  • Distinguished Administration Award – Marie O’Keefe, North Queensland Squadron and Kevin Body, Sunshine Coast Squadron.
3RD/5TH APRIL 2009
National Board meeting held at Ridges on Bell, Melbourne.
4TH APRIL 2009
Tax Office requirement for non profit organisations are required to take Risk Management action for Counter Terrorist Forces financing.

The New South Wales Government is moving rapidly to establish a new VMR organisation in New South Wales which will displace the three existing rescue groups. A facilitation group has been formed to deal with issues such as structure, constitution, administration etc. Until full disclosures from the Government of all major matters is made known, no commitment will be made.

Several presentations were made, viz. Mercury Motors, VHF/DSC Training CD by NATCO Mellor National Promotions and PR by Captain Nikolich, Proposed Introduction of a “TCT” Programme by NATCO Mellor and The Association – Need for Change – Future Directions by Commodore Vosti.

The setting up of an International Directorate of Coast Guard is to be proposed by National Commodore Campbell.

5TH APRIL 2009
A national fundraising program is to be organized similar to the successful Victoria Squadron program,

The proposed new Coast Guard Web Site is to be put out for tender.

No applications for Awards were received at this meeting.

Approximately 84 Coast Guard volunteers from Victoria were involved with duties during the devastated Victorian bush fires. Duties included coordination of Coast Guard personnel, assisting at the State’s Integrated Emergency Coordination Centre and delivery of the logistics. The five Coast Guard owned trucks assisted with the delivery of over 400 tons of logistical support across the State of Victoria.

Official opening of the Lake Illawarra Flotilla NF8 building on 18th April 2009. The Port Kembla Flotilla NF14 new 100ft Radio Tower is now in full operation.

15TH AUGUST 2009
Captain Kris Eriksen stood down as IT Officer and officially handed over to Andrew Hunter.
DNACO Frank Robards resigned his position. Commodore Richard Burgess was appointed to this position. Commodore Alex Fowler is the new Gippsland Squadron commodore.
The National Board meeting was held at Mercure Grosvener Hotel Adelaide. The format of the meeting was changed to commence the meeting on Friday evening followed by an In-camera meeting and continue on Saturday, finishing at 5pm. An informal dinner was held, no speeches or presentations.

NACO Campbell welcomed SCO Fowler, Gippsland Squadron to his first meeting, SCO Burgess to his first meeting as Deputy National Commodore and Deputy
Commodore john Aldridge representing Illawarra Squadron.

Changes have been made to the NTO’s Powerpoint presentation for Elements of Shipboard Safety and a Corporate Licence to use Gandy’s Exams Version 2 has been purchased.

Further discussions are taking place concerning the creation of a single marine rescue organisation.

Consideration is to be given to having a single rank for Commodore where there are duplicate Squadron Commodores or Squadron Training Commodores.

The formation of a National Advisory Group is being considered and a proposal for future structure of the Association is under discussion.

The new Coast Guard Website has been accepted and the quotation submitted on the 6th October 2009 from SVA of $28,805 for the development was accepted.

Gippsland Squadron
All Flotillas in Squadron have only been affiliated with AVCGA for five years and the Squadron is two years old. VF18 Lakes Entrance has completed rebuilding of jetty, retaining wall and launching ramp. Work continues on extensions to the Headquarters building. VF19 Port Albert is awaiting delivery of its new Noosa Cat. VF20 Port Welshpool has re-powered its vessel with 2 x Suzuki 150hp outboards and is undergoing modifications to comply with MSV survey requirements. VF22 Paynsville has taken delivery of a 5 tonne Mitsubishi Canter Crew-cab 4WD.
South Australia Squadron
SAF 10 Port Vincent was donated a 4.5 metre IRB and have purchased an outboard for the vessel SAR11 Kangaroo Island was provided with a 6.8 metre cat and a donation of a Hino 4×4 truck. The “Pedro Warman”, an ex police vessel was commissioned in September. The Flotilla has secured a lease from Kangaroo Island Council for a block of land on which to build their new headquarters. Funding has been gained from the Government for extension and upkeep of the radio network – A new radio base at Port Augusta,, new repeater in SE and extra filters and battery chargers fitted.
Victorian Squadron
A trial operation at Docklands on the Yarra River courtesy of an agreement with City of Melbourne. The object of this operation is the strengthening of relationships with organisations such as Parks Victoria and Port of Melbourne and a greater recognition of Coast Guard.
VF11 Lake Hume
An inland Flotilla based at Lake Hume with its communication centre overlooking the weir and its headquarters at Bonegilla, has formed a Coast Guard Brigade which enables it to fight fires on water and assist Bongilla CFA on routine fires around the weir. In September the Flotilla took possession of its new headquarters, a shared co-location with Bonegilla CFA.
VF17 Portland
Has been in existence for five years, and is situated in the South East corner of Victoria and is a deep water Port, immediate waters once clearing the Port entrance (1KM) is Bass Strait with most assists 30 NM from Portland on the Continental Shelf, which puts water temperature at a very low degree. They operate with a 11.9mt vessel with response time in the order of 15 minutes. The Flotilla has built a communications room , a floating pontoon and security fenced the area. The Flotilla members became members of the Portland Coast Guard Brigade.

Central Queensland Squadron. QF11 Yeppoon commissioned another secondary 7.2m Semi Rigid inflatable “RV McDonalds” Rescue Vessel in October 2009. QF24 Thirsty Sound and QF20 Keppel Sands are refurbishing their vessels.

North Queensland Squadron. QF10 Port Douglas commissioning of their Rescue Vessel “RV Douglas” will be held on 13th February 2010. QF23 Cardwell’s Radio Tower completed and officially opened in November 2009. Funding for two SAREX’s in 2010, Townsville will host one mid April and Port Douglas will host the other in early May.

Sadly a number of Coast Guard members have passed away and information has only recently been received. Commodore Don Harper, Victoria Squadron, (January 2010) Commodore Richard Webb, Victoria,(December 2009) Deputy Commodore Malcolm Olding, QF3 Redcliffe, (November 2009) Commodore Les Swift, past National Commodore, Victoria (May 2008).
  • Life Membership to Arthur Payne, North Queensland and Reg Fehlhaber Central Queensland
  • Substantive Rank – Ron Tyler Deputy SC, Sunshine Coast and Neville Goggi, Commander North Queensland.
  • Distinguished Award – Association – Robert Stubbs SAF1
  • Operations – Arthur Wales QF9
  • Training – Robert Charles King QF14
  • Meritorious Service – Training = Margaret Deguara NF17
2010 - Now

The AVCGA has a close working relationship with many international Coast Guard Associations which includes the USCG Aux, New Zealand Coast Guard and Philippines Coast Guard Aux. These organisations were represented at the conference to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc by Edson Lott – USCG AUX; Brooke Archbold – NZ CG; Bruce Reid – CEO NZ CG; Buddy Mendoza – Philippines CG Aux; Harold Wolf – Philippines CG Aux; Pablo C Ortega – Philippines CG Aux; Roberto F De Los Reyes – Philippines CG Aux.

National Board approved the implementation of a system of recognition for members fundraising for 100 and 200 hours based on the green ribbon system as used for radios and activations.

VF18 Lakes Entrance (Gippsland Squadron) had taken possession of a new Noosa Cat vessel.

The International Guests presented reports to the meetings. Copies of the reports appear in the minutes of the meeting held on 8th April 2011.

9TH-11TH APRIL 2010
The National Board meeting was held at Mantra on Salt Beach, Kingscliff
A proposal to change the constitution to accommodate ex-members being permitted to wear their uniforms on special occasions and for recognition of their time in Coast Guard was made. A recommendation will be made to the National Executive.
Michael Brennan, partner from Minter Ellison, Canberra (Lawyers) explained the obligations of National Board members within Coast Guard and the liabilities to any members who breach their duties. Points raised included – Act in a bona fide best interest of the Association; Act for a proper purpose; Duty of Care; Information of the Association; Conflicts of Interest.
Squadron Commodore Bruce Mitchell (Illawarra) tendered his resignation to the Board.
A meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister is being arranged to discuss grants and Federal funding for overseas travel. All international activities will be posted on the Web site.
A Memorandum of Understanding with VRA to explore the best possible outcomes in negotiations with Marine Rescue NSW was supported.
E-Learning was discussed at the NATRAC meeting held in Tasmania. Permission was granted by the National Board to establish a working party to look at the feasibility of establishing an E-Learning system across Coast Guard.
Customs Officer David Jarrett, Supervisor Waterfront Operations together with Officer Toby Dodd gave a presentation on the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and pointed out several ways in which the AVCGA members could assist them in their endeavours.
For the year ended 30th June 2009 were accepted and were forwarded to the Department in Canberra and ASIC.
Commodore Campbell was reelected as National Commodore and Commodore Dalling (South Australia Squadron) was elected Deputy National Commodore. Both were sworn in by the National Board Adviser, Alan Morton.
Bob Mellor, National Training Commodore; Peter Smith National Administration Commodore; Terry Ryan, National Board Adviser; Andrew Hunter Information Technology Captain; Milan Nikolich, Marketing/Promotions Captain; Brian Hale, Magazine Editor Captain; Lyn Thomson, Stores Officer Captain, Graeme Caesar, Organisation and Development Captain, Connie Laurie, Archives Captain, Catherine Preeece, Administration Support Captain, Margaret Deguara, Training Support Captain.
The National Magazine has moved to a full colour production with a circulation of over 50,000.

The Hobart Flotilla is to be moved to the Tasman Peninsula.

The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard will celebrate its 50th Anniversary in August 2011 and will be celebrated at the Beaumaris Motor Boat Club where the Coast Guard originated.

Members who are unable to belong to a Flotilla and wish to remain members can be attached to the National Board.
Life Membership: Jean Brake, VF01, Frankston. Ian Baker, NF04 Port Hacking.
Frank Millican, QF8 Townsville. Douglas Dufty, NF08 Evans Head.
Substantive Rank: Richard Boulton, Commander QF08 Townsville.
Distinguished Service – Association: Grahame Bissaker, NF20 Tuggerah Lakes
The National Board meeting was held at “Peppers”, Salt Beach, Kingscliff.
Gippsland Squadron reports that Vf18 Lakes Entrance are awaiting the arrival of a new vessel and that extensions to the headquarters building are nearing completion.
VF19 Port Albert has a new tow vehicle a Fuso Canter 4×4 truck.
VF20 Port Welshpool has undertaken a public course in Recreation Boating License.
Vf21 Marlo is to replace their existing vessel CG21.
VF22 Paynesville has moved into new premises provided by the local Council.
Victoria Squadron has installed an administrator in Vf11 Lake Hume and Vf12 Sandringham.
During recent floods in Victoria two coast guard vessels and a number of crew were dispatched inland to assist as required, this necessitated navigating fences and shrubbery instead of waterway hazards.
VF4 Western Port has a new vessel, CG4, under construction which should be operational February or March 2011.

QF8 Townsville will launch its new primary rescue vessel on 11th December 2010 at the Townsville Motor Boat and Yacht Club. The pontoon to accommodate the vessel will be relocated.
QF9 Cairns celebrated its 40th Anniversary on 18th September 2010 at the Cairns RSL.
Two Sarex’s were successfully completed in North Queensland and Far North Queensland.

Queensland State Training Commodore, Commodore Ron Tyler MBE was awarded the ESM, Emergency Service Medal in the New Year Honors Lists. Queensland State Council Chairman Mike Vosti was also awarded the ESM.
8TH-10TH APRIL 2011
The National Board meeting, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Coast Guard was held at the Windsor Hotel, Melbourne.
NTCO Bob Mellor attended the National Emergency Management Training Officers Conference at Whyte Island, Brisbane on 1st October 2010.
Northern Territory Marine Safety has recognized AVCGA Training qualifications. Candidates will be awarded with a Certificate of Competency as Coxswain (Unlimited) and will be able to operate outside the 15nm limit when required to operate in the vicinity of the Tiwi Islands.
Work continues towards the establishment of the Australian Maritime Academy.

North Queensland Squadron has suffered considerable losses due to the heavier than normal “wet season” flooding and several cyclones, the latest cyclone “YSAI”cat 5 was the most severe and largest recorded resulting in considerable damage. The main areas hit were Townsville, Ingham, Cardwell, Tully and Innisfail. Some members lost all personal affects while other members lost their houses. Tully Flotilla building at Hull Heads was extensively damaged.

The naming and commissioning ceremony for QF8 Townsville new primary rescue vessel, Rotary Rescue was held on 11th December 2010 at the Townsville Motor Boat and Yacht Club.

QF9 Cairns continue to work with AeroRescue, the group who drop rescue boxes to persons and vessels in distress at sea. They also assist in the practical side of Marine Studies Courses for St Augustine’s College, St. Andrew’s College at Redlynch and conduct base and boat tours for primary aged “Gumba Gumba”children who are an after school care group for indigenous children.

QF10 Port Douglas will upgrade their radio room and improve the range with a grant of $30,500 from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.

JUNE 2011
As part of its community sponsorship with the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Assoc .leading outdoor retailer BCF – (Boating, Camping and Fishing) signed a community partnership with AVCGA. Funds raised will be utilised to continue the education and rescue service to the community. Full story in the Spring / Summer 2011 Coast Guard magazine.
NATCO Bob Mellor attended the National Emergency Management Training Officers Conference at Whyte Island, Brisbane on 1st October 2011.

Northern Territory Marine Safety has recognized AVCGA Training qualifications. Candidates will be awarded with a Certificate of Competency as Coxswain (Unlimited) and will be able to operate outside the 15nm limit when required to operate in the vicinity of the Tiwi Islands.

Work continues towards the establishment of the Australian Maritime Academy.

North Queensland Squadron suffered considerable losses due to the heavier than normal “wet season” flooding and several cyclones, the latest cyclone “YSAI”cat 5 was the most severe and largest recorded resulting in considerable damage. The main areas hit were Townsville, Ingham, Cardwell, Tully and Innisfail. Some members lost all personal affects while other members lost their houses. Tully Flotilla building at Hull Heads was extensively damaged.

The naming and commissioning ceremony for QF8 Townsville new primary rescue vessel, Rotary Rescue was held on 11th December 2010 at the Townsville Motor Boat and Yacht Club.

QF9 Cairns continue to work with AeroRescue, the group who drop rescue boxes to persons and vessels in distress at sea. They also assist in the practical side of Marine Studies Courses for St Augustine’s College, St. Andrew’s College at Redlynch and conduct base and boat tours for primary aged “Gumba Gumba”children who are an after school care group for indigenous children.

QF10 Port Douglas will upgrade their radio room and improve the range with a grant of $30,500 from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.

QF1 Southport members and guests assembled at their headquarters for the naming and commissioning of their third rescue vessel “Southport 2” by Councillor Margaret Grummitt.

QF4 Caloundra member Dennis Blumenthal has served thirty eight (38) years with the Flotilla being one of the original foundation members.
Life Membership: Anthony Knight NQ; Murray Hurst SA.
Distinguished Service – Administration: Paul Crocker SA.
Distinguished Service – Association: Greg Cassin Sunshine Coast; Brian Robinson SA.
Ray Thomas SA; Bradley Read SA; Christine Robinson SA; Frank Fry SA; Joan Arnold SA.
Christopher Hicks SA;
Distinguished Service – Operations: Robert Stubbs SA; Michael Lovelock SA; Glen Bowmer NQ;
Garry Place NQ; John Hatton NQ.
Substantive Rank: Kenneth Brennan Sunshine Coast.
Patrol Officer: Ian Short SA.
This meeting concluded on Saturday evening and members adjourned to enjoyed the 50th Anniversary celebration dinner being held at the Windsor Hotel. This was a formal affair with presentation of the colours, an address by National Commodore Campbell and the presentation of the fifty (50) year membership Award to Commodore Peter Swan who is one of the original founders of Coast Guard. A full story of the occasion is available in the Spring/Summer 2011 edition of the Coast Guard magazine edited by Captain Brian Hale.

24TH/28TH AUGUST 2011
NATCO Bob Mellor attended the USCGA Conference NACON 2011 in Charlotte, North Carolina to represent AVCGA. A report of this conference is on file.
QF5 Noosa received its nine metre Naiad, a purpose-built vessel for bar conditions at Noosa. The vessel is based on a proven design used by marine rescue and emergency service organisations in Australia and New Zealand.
VF4 Hastings has commissioned a Yamaha powered Razerline with a pair of Yamaha F225 four stroke outboard engines. Cruising speed is twenty (20) knots with a maximum speed of forty-two (42) knots.

VF7 Carrum has received a new 9.2m search and rescue vessel.

National Board meeting held at Shangri-La Conference Centre, Wynnum, Brisbane.
Two new Commodores Chris Newman, Gippsland and Barry Cordwell, Victoria were welcomed to their first meeting of National Board.

National IT Captain Rick McGowan was introduced to the meeting following the resignation of Andrew Hunter.

Special guest, Shane Bowering from Red Tape Busters Pty Ltd (RTB) addressed the meeting outlining a fundraising scheme which could provide a much-needed service to Coast Guard on a national level.

The meeting agreed that the proposal from RTB to provide a Grant Management Program for the entire Association for an initial twelve month period at an initial deposit of $10,000.00 to be funded by the National BCF sponsorship proceeds.

Michael Hambleton from AON Insurance addressed the meeting concerning the new Workplace Health and Safety Act and the ramifications of the new Act and how AVCGA should conduct itself to avoid potential litigation.
Captain McGowan recommended a professional corporate model be adopted for the Website and informed the meeting of the different components of a website. It was agreed that National Board undertake to develop a new website with IT/email capability to suit the requirements of the Association. This project is to be managed by the National Executive and National It Captain.
The proposal on Leadership and Management Program from USCGA is to be continued.
Federal member for Wide Bay, Warren Truss presented National Volunteer Awards to QF17 Tin Can Bay Flotilla members John Macfarlane, Kevin Woodgate and Bevan Thoroughgood
Member for Hinchinbrook, Andrew Cripps presented Cheryl Gossner from QF14 Ingham with the National Medal in recognition of her fifteen year volunteer service.